Yeah, might need to free up item tokens in some way. While it is good to have more item factions I feel.. it also does bring up the point of.. potentially making others item factions 'useless'. Or, more of.. whoever gets items first will just make the other faction(s) feel bad the rest of the game. Originally that was the idea to free up the items, but probably just made it too... complex before. One issue was how to word Ruin items. Which would probably add 2~3, wordy, sentences.
The idea was... Use the item to build, then it would return to the item track as a gray (facedown) item. Then, "Pray" was a way to unflip it. Gray items would be uncraftable, so it would rely on the Sloths to restore them. It would make them an extremely heavy crafting faction. And I like the idea of it. Probably enough to warrant a whole faction for the idea haha.
And yeah, I'm sure balance will definitely have issues haha.
Thank you for the feedback!