Yeah I restarted, live and learn. An escape rope type item would be cool. Teleport you to the cave entrance or something.
Recent community posts
So my dumb friend, totally not me, was exploring a cave and moving boulders as a part of a puzzle. They, again definitely not me, ended game because they had to shower or something. When they loaded back in, all the boulders reset to their original positions.. Completely locking the MC in the cave. For future references, is there a way to teleport out of a cave or some kind of tool to destroy boulders?
Apologize if this is a double reply, it looks like my comment disappeared.
Yes I'm playing the android version, very fun game. Love the art. My only complaint is when selecting choices, its visually hard to read before highlighting an option.
But my issue is when I load up the game, the title screen I'm presented with is attached. Not sure if it was intentionally promoting Crossworlds, but I was confused and didn't think I was playing FLX at first.