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Francesc Alcaucer

A member registered Oct 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very cool game, cograts!!

I reviewed that 'making of' document and I think it is well explained. However, I can certainly create a simple program fully commented for you and everyone interested. Give me some time to prepare it. Maybe I will join the CPCWiki forum and post it there.

Happy New Year to you too. You can ask me anything about this technique, of course ...Perhaps you want to see the document 'Source & Making of (Eng/Spa)' available on my first game that uses this technique, 'Wrecking Ball'. You can find it here on my profile.

Feliz navidad a todos!
Merry Christmas everyone!!

Very impressive Space Invaders on 10 lines code!

Buena mezcla de aventura y puzzle, adictivo! Gran trabajo!!

Oh! First game I see using my graphics technique! Great work!!

I'm absolutely glad of know that. For me, programing and see other Basic programs on the Amstrad is the best manner of sense I'm back 30 years ago. I'm counting the minutes left to see your work. Enjoy!!

Finally I found your message. Look for the reply.

I used this 30 years ago, but never thought of generating fonts or graphics for games like now.

You really are right! I am very proud to have owned one of the best machines of the 8-bit era, which was very poorly exploited.

Regarding the colored font trick, very apparent results can be achieved, it's a shame because I really expected more participation, once the trick was released. Maybe in the next editions...

Thanks dude!


Hi again 'Profe'... That message is a new addition to the voting Google Form? (today i've seen by the first time):

CPCRetroDev 2022: Public vote
\\-- Your vote has been registered. ¡Thank you!
\\-- You will be able to vote again tomorrow

For this reason I asked my previous question, I didn't see any message appears after voting, until today that I have seen this one. If that message not new, my previous votes not registered?

Thank you, and thanks all the organization team for all your efforts on improving!!

It's not bad, but personally I don't like games where their difficulty lies in their high speed and the problem to control the character because of it... curiously, assembler games have to worry about lowering their speed and games in Basic get the opposite xD

In any case, good job!

How I see my votes? I can't see them on submission feed (but I see people are rating). I push the 'submit' button at Google forms, need to do anything more?

Many thanks!

?? in your versions don't have enemies?  I can't pass this point !!


I think the problem is that to load the cdt in Winape you need to type RUN" , press any key, wait 2 seconds, then press 'play' on the tape control. Please, tell me if this works, ty!

OMG... I love it! very cute game!! it's retro appearance is very enjoyable!

Recently added Atari Arcade Mode:

Thanks for your interest and your comments, I really appreciate. The game is not finished yet, and you in right, music is one of the things not implemented for the moment...

Two players gameplay:

Gracias! Aprecio mucho tu mensaje, siendo como eres otro entusiasta del Basic del Amstrad.

Sorry, I'm working on the project in my spare time. Still I can say that I have it quite advanced and I will be able to release a first version very soon!

Se podría mirar. Todo es hablarlo.

Thanks a lot for your videos :)

Thank you! Glad you like : )

Ah, sí... es una buena manera de evitar la frustración de no poder capturar un item que cae, ya que de hacerlo te exponías a que se perdiera la bola, como ocurre por ejemplo en los Arkanoid y otros. En el mío a veces quieras o no quieras se recogen y hay que lidiar con eso,... ajo y agua xDDDD

There's no end. Stages are pseudo-randomly generated. Maybe this better for make competitions. I reached level 25 ; )

Pues sí, por la disposición de la pantalla quizá? Sin embargo, de Impact no me acaba de gustar el estilo gráfico.

Gracias! óÒ,

Ahora al ver el video entiendo para qué "tocaba la campana"  el prota... ><¡

Very cuty and prety nice port of Oh Mummy!

You're right, but this is because the graphics technique used.  In return there is two items that can be collected that allows you to deflect the ball at will or displace it when impact the ship.

Buen arte gráfico. Especialmente me molan los fondos, me recuerdan a los de las handheld LCD que tenía de niño... oir croar a la rana en forma de beeps como hacían aquellas maquinitas le habría dado un punto más a favor de esa estética.

Gracias Nuria!

xDDD Gracias! ; )

Muchas gracias. Todo el mérito es de la máquina, que es una pasada de buena.

Wow! la música se sale!