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fall rose

A member registered Sep 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Your bitsy art is really good! I love all the drawings and animations. I also like the theme of being bound by a community and its rules vs. being given permission to be yourself by another person. Order vs. Chaos in a sense.

this story was haunting in a way that most horror-y things aren't for me these days. it let me see where it was going in this way that invoked a feeling like i was on the verge of discovering something important and horrible, and the feeling has lingered. thank you for sharing it!

i really like this game! it's so small and yet feels like a very impactful story of rebirth that got me to replay it several times

wow! i really like the art you did for the cards, and even though i'm already pretty familiar with tarot, i definitely felt like the dialogue in each room gave me a better understanding of the card's significance. it makes me imagine if there were a sort of digital tarot deck like this where you could do custom readings and it would walk you through a little journey explaining it to you!

thank you! i'm glad you enjoyed it ^-^