I don't intend to include a downloable html file but the game is also on my website if that helps at all https://fangsscalesskin.neocities.org/Metamorpheus/PageTurner
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No, but the game is also on my website if that helps at all https://fangsscalesskin.neocities.org/Metamorpheus/PageTurner
I feel like some people are being too harsh on this game especially since it's the first version. As far as I know it's not copying anyone else either (I have never seen hypno tetris before) and 'game that hypnotises you' as a general idea doesn't belong to any one person. It's a genre that honestly needs way more, so kudos to the dev for adding to it.
I'll repeat what I said on my rating plus add some details:
Could use more polish, when I tried to resize the window, the window got smaller but the contents didn't change size with it (they stayed maximum size). A choice of text-to-speech tracks would be nice too if possible. As well, having the controls displayed in the settings section or somehow before the hypnosis would have helped with staying in a hypnotic state, because as soon as I got counted up and the game started I was taken out of a suggestible state since I was quickly looking to see what the controls were.
It would also benefit from a more thorough induction and trigger establishment/more time establishing and strengthening the triggers before playing, to make them more effective (since personally I thought it was pretty brief) along with some kind of score/progression to keep it interesting.
Perhaps a scoring mechanic where once you hit certain score thresholds, it 'rewards' the player with a sound that's been established as a trance deepener, or something else similar?
Regardless, it was a fun time and worth trying out, although the triggers weren't very effective for me. Thank you for uploading the game!