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A member registered Jul 11, 2021

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Thanks for responding, I went with the specific weather table (storm) result. The party are waiting out the storm and their crew is slowly being picked off by giant spiders as they forage for food in the nearby forest.

Absolutely love the system and the hex map so far, thanks for creating it!

Question for those who have been running prolonged WutC campaigns using the hex crawl and the rules.

The party brought their boat ashore at the end of the previous day, explored for a bit and then camped for the night, planning to sail again in the morning.

I start a new day and check the roll I made for the wind the day before according to the rules in the travel section of the Wolves upon the Coast rule book (I roll ahead for the next day so that the party can have their one day warning for storms as per the rulebook). I rolled a six which is "light breeze" and a direction of north, the condition will last for 2 days. Great!

I roll on the weather table in the Mid-Isles area book, add +1 to my roll because the party is in the northern islands, add +2 because there was heavy rain yesterday, and get a result of 9, meaning that a storm breaks out. Damn.

I now have a situation where the rules tell me there are simultaneously stormy conditions AND favourable conditions (light breeze) at the same time, and I'm not sure how to proceed.

I feel like I have found a "bug" in the game, has anybody else encountered this, and how did your group proceed?