ayo I really like the design of the character and her movement is fun after you get the hang out of the controls (It was quite confusing the first time I played it). The level environment and enemies/final boss look very good! But the "levers" you have to cut through could stand out a bit more.
Or at least don't combine the first lever instantly with a dash. I didn't notice that lever at all xd The boss was also a great surprise unfortunately I somehow broke it after hitting the eye the second time.
But all in all I had a fun time playing your game good job!
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Also all levels have quite different themes that's impressive.
The cave level with the hunting ghost was also very thrilling!
And idk if I triggered things incorrectly but the timeframe for escaping the ghost after the first checkpoint in the old entrance is SO short I needed so many tries.. Also the walljump isn't working all the time smoothly.
These are my only complaints. It was a very fun experience!
I can't believe that you made that whole game in one semester WOW really impressive. I like the difficulty and the broad variety of obstacles, tileset and backgrounds is amazing.
In level 2 I unfortunately skipped the dash item, continued further (you can kinda cheese the next few obstacles without having dash) and of course reached sometime a point where I absolutely needed it and couldnt go back, so had to restart the level :(
Also that the walljump triggers everytime I'm near the wall without steering into the wall's direction and
that I can't perform walljumps on the same wall twice or more was a bit irritating.
In the end it's nonetheless a very fun platformer and the voice acting and pictures/cutscene (though I feel like it went on a bit too long) really show how ambitious you are about creating games and a fun experience, thats truly inspiring!
Had so much fun playing this game the use of the power ups is so clever!!! and passages where you combine them are very cool. Only thing I can complain about is that the token counter in titlescreen only counts the highhest amount you gathered in a level f.e. I backtracked the last three tokens in Level2 but it still says 7/10 :(
War ein cooler, kleiner Zeitvertreib! Hab mich zwar bisschen verarscht gefühlt, als ich nach dem ersten Dungeon mein ganzes Cash beim Händler ausgegeben habe, nur um zu sehen, dass paar Meter weiter noch eine Stadt mit einem viel besserem Händler ist... Ansonsten gutes Spiel, die Steuerung vom Charakter hat sich echt gut angefühlt!