really impressed with the scope of this project. lots and lots of content packed in. a lot of little details that make the game fun to play are present. (ex: unlockable map). great work!
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great game, loved the simple art and music, all upgrades felt great. though I didnt use the teleport much. had a lot of fun with the wall jump! also really liked your spin on the map, using just colored blocks and being able to track where you are was really nice!
two notes -
1. Sometimes the transitions between 'scenes' is too quick. I would jump see the next scenes, and wouldnt have time to see what is on the other side, or would get killed by spikes because my momentum would carry me into the scene before I could react. Idk if there is a way to fix that but it was something I ran into a few times.
2. would love to have some checkpoints or saves or something so the spawn isnt the exact same place each time.
if you are still testing, would love your thoughts on our submission!
loved all the art, a lot of assets made the level design very dynamic. The sound wasnt really working for me for some reason. it would just work for a second or two when I saved or loaded a game. loved the dynamic of the three characters. One thing I might recommend is making the ''attack'' a keyboard button instead of mouse button, so you can play with just one hand. really liked how the maps felt much more 'open' when you got the air elemental. really expanded the scope.
awesome execution of the minimalist design. would be easy to make a game in that style boring but you really brought it to life. I do wish there were maybe a couple more saves.. the map was a little hard to navigate in spots just because of visuals but I love the frost bullet mechanic for getting around the map.
Spent a lot of time in this game. Its super fun and addicting. upgrades are great, the bow is fun to use, but the Citizens are were the money is made. Had tons of fun saving up and buying new citizens every time I could afford them. Wish I could upgrade citizens but that might be OP. The music also adds a lot to the experience.
Only issue I had was with the slow movers that had a lot of health. my citizens would all mob up on them, but they would take so long to kill them they would chase him reeeeeallllly far off the map. this took a long time for the level to finish, and they would be far away at the start of the next level. I couldnt chase them down because of the water.
Super fun game though, one of the best I have played yet! Hope my high score of 300k plus stands for a while.
Has this ever happened to you?? Have you ever got too faded at the popeyes and left the power dinkus in the bathroom? And your form gets partially corrupted, so when you get too faded you have superhuman abilities?? NOW you have to retake control of the library and defeat the CEO of the popeyes? Call me right now please.