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A member registered Aug 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very cool game!

The art is amazing 

The music is beautiful

The enemies are fun

The only problem is that I have an azerty keyboard and I couldn't find a way to adjust the controls anywhere so moving around was extremely difficult.

I found that I could just stand in front of an enemy and spam the weapon button without a problem. Is this a bug or a feacher? Maybe you could add a downtime or limited use.

But wow what a nice game!

The new update is out!

Thanks for noticing, it wil be fixed in the next update!

I have  managed to upload the game and it can be player right now!

The game is out and working!

The game has been uploaded but is full of bugs go to my dashboard to play the game and read the desription if you would like to help me with the bugs! But I hope this gives you an idea of what I've been working on for the past 10 days!

Thanks for the feedback. I will definitely thing about your advice and learn from this incident. The problem was that 2 hours before the deadline I realized I had never uploaded a game. That in combination with a hole lot of build errors that i have no cleu on how to fix produces results like this. Oops!