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A member registered May 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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REVIEW: I really think with some more gameplay, this can really become a very popular and fun medival physics game that you can save on steam, some things that need work is, the injury system, more simple then i thought, but still really close to perfect, more gameplay, like muliplayer or some sort of campain as it really feels like a sandboxy game. But i give this a 7/10 stars on mechanics, a  100/10 stars on the feel and goryness of the game, and a 3/10 on the game, but the game has a lot of replayablility, once i got this game i spent, around 3 hours strait just killing people, now there are some modes, like free for all, or team vs team, or duels. But still a little short on the game modes.

sorry about that, i wanted to enter my game before i saw the the jams theme, sorry about that again

Try unity bolt visualation. This is like scratch with building blocks but its a little more complex