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A member registered Oct 24, 2020

Recent community posts

Been a while since I last played either game but still love your content. Downloading the latest WSGTH, so will probably post on the other thread after I play. Love your games and look forward to seeing more development.

I was reading the journal before having done anything.

Any word from support yet? I miss your games.

Sorry i didn't know where to post this or how to post it in a better manor.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18834, in script
    if lovepris == 5:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18879, in <module>
    elif pris_grat == 0 and lovepris == 15:
NameError: name 'pris_grat' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18834, in script
    if lovepris == 5:
  File "C:\Users\Casey\Desktop\Games\WartribeAcademy-0.6.1-pc\WartribeAcademy-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 1832, in execute
    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
  File "C:\Users\Casey\Desktop\Games\WartribeAcademy-0.6.1-pc\WartribeAcademy-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 2059, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "C:\Users\Casey\Desktop\Games\WartribeAcademy-0.6.1-pc\WartribeAcademy-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 2052, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 18879, in <module>
    elif pris_grat == 0 and lovepris == 15:
NameError: name 'pris_grat' is not defined

Wartribe Academy 0.6.1
Tue Feb 16 20:03:31 2021

I really love this game just wish to see an update at some point.

Do you know where I can find an english version of honey select cause I have it but only some of the menus are english the rest are in chinese or japanese.

But what about that one woman. Sure she says her and her husband never did anything together and that she leaves him but not before you did some stuff with her.... so can you really say no NTR?

Hope you took my suggestion into consideration because I see promise in the story.

Been awhile since seeing an update on either of your games. Was wondering how you are doing?

Okay so after finding out about the "relationship" patch I have to say that the story is very excellent and I apologize about my outburst a while back. But I do think that the base writing for the beginning could use a proper rework to improve it even without the patch. Beside that very excellent story and I look forward to future development. Once again sorry for the outburst again.


Okay so my one biggest complaint about this game is in particular with chapter 1. I get that depending on the platform to which you release your games you have to be careful about the type of relationships your characters have with each other in particular with relationships involving blood relationships or not. However it makes it a very difficult read to initially start the game cause the entire flow is unnatural. Especially since everyone is referred to as either landlady or landlord. At the very least in the very beginning the mc's male influence should be referred to as father otherwise who the hell gave birth to him cause by law unless they are his adoptive parents no legal body would allow a landlord or landlady to raise a child. I know by now would be too late for you to update the story or coding for chapter 1-9 and especially for just one user complaining about it but you should allow user to decide relationship of initial characters for more integration into the story from the start. Other then that maybe getting someone to assist with proof reading and editing text cause the flow is also a little choppy at times. But other then that seems like a great game just a few comment on things that could be improved.

I get that the holidays probably complicated things but wondering when there will either be an update for this game or wsgh?

Great game so far.

I am going to hazard a guess and say that at very beginning you will have to work with them but as game progresses probably be an event that will make it possible to leave them.

Is there a way to get Valentine to join you on the island?

I know you say in the preface before the game starts that this will be pretty linear without to much exploration but if you want to make this a better game then at least you should set up some of the more key scenes to allow for interaction such as how evil or nice you want the character to go. For example if you want to help ashley or not, listening to the strange voice or ignoring it, and other various moments. Doesn't have to be anything too complicated just something to make it a little more interactive and to give more variety to the flow of things. A lot of visual novels have a pretty linear location path but allow for more in depth character interaction. This is less a game and more a story. 

With that being said it's pretty good but considering the premise of the story, kind of wish the mc was a little less of a wuss.

Just saying it is one of my favorite fetishes so I would whole heartedly be in support of it. XD

Been a while since I was last on here. I been think about this for a while now but in both BM and WSWH are there any plans for pregnancy to be involved with the stories?

When are you going to make the latest version available here?

Any plans to ever update this game or redo it?

Just curious but when is the next update for this game or BM?

sorry must have posted this comment on the wrong version of the game.

Any chance that with next update that you can make the recap allow you to decide relationship with Landlady and Roommate like in the prologue?

Not sure what I am doing wrong but I can't seem to do anything more then to kill whomever is I have set in the device. How do I increase arousal and strip the girls?

(1 edit)

Not a bug. Since the main story is still in development.

I vote A

(1 edit)

I love this and BM. Both are definitely worth downloading.

I know you use HS for images but what about programming and writing? I ask cause I think I might try my hand at making a game myself but don't know where to start.

If you use the cheats what endgame content do you lose?

Ah that might be it. Played male last night. Going to try female tonight.