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A member registered Oct 01, 2024

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didn't think I'll see balatro numbers

had an interaction with artificer bought back to back, then an injector that is gaining light seeker(+1/+1 for start of combat), Hyuntress deal 3 damage/ stat gain and seeker (each attack gain 1 faith). not a single thing is buffed XD.

artificer is very confusing, a lot of units I think will work on won't work on. artificer also doesn't buff artificer. maybe add a preview of stats gain at store?

currently doesn't have build diversity since upgraging 1 unit is probably the best way to play 

Pretty sure I am the final boss. The worm didnt even get a turn.

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I've addressed this last update. the Camp keyword doesn't work or maybr i dont understand it. Camp cards will work even if both pedestals are already used. 

with these 3 cards, I can upgrade cards infinitly. I also have the well knitted so i get inifinte health too.

Being able to upgrade cards every camp without the 'Camp' card exploit still lets me make a rediclous card like this. There is currently no use to upgrade more than 1 card.

no sure if intended but 2 dragoon passive don't work together, with the current text I would think it will let you have 7 additonal traits. the text should be "This follower can have up to 4 additional traits (Max 5 traits)" to clear any confusion. Also, when replacing an aspect with 4 trait follower, it deletes all 4 traits and add the new trait.

game starts lagging at 290

Thought 3.95 was highest, now to hunt down 3.98.

3.9 took me 2 tries, this took atleast 30 tries

injector bug, doesnt get the randowm trait when recruited

all enemy attack first is way harder than the 3.9 relic.

is 3.9 the highest? 

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game broke here. I think Dragoon is strong even if it can only have 3 or 4 traits. It went from worst unit to best unit in game.

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to be fair my attack is also limited to 9999, so it is impossible to beat pass 200 if my attack is capped.

At later levels even though the monsters have > 10k helath the moment it take any damage it reverts to 9999. no sure if that is intended

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after 160, there is no shop and all encounters got was 2 veriants of firework master.

201 is drakknight but i can't pass it without crashing the game lol.

yeah game speed is way too slow still.

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tried the desktop version instead of the web version, it crashed. Will be waiting for the update =).

I finally made the ultimate build with scaling and stupid amounts of damage. The number is too big and it crashed. Just a suggestion but i dont think crow needs to display more than 100 arrows, just cut off the loop after 100 count.

one day i'll hit 100, thank you for adding fast foward but 2 times speed is not enough lol. my units revive 3 times and it is still not enough.

when the flag guy dided 5 other followers +1 attcak, prosoector didn't copy.

when familar copied highest attack, prosoector didn't copy.

when templor increase increase attack form attacking, prosoector didn't copy

This unit didn't copy familar's nor templor's stats

yeah you have to kill the level 13 boss, lossing 1 life is nothing but losing the +1 capacity early is huge.

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you mean something like this? 27 (6,8)

The music and style reminds me of Persona 5, game is fun.

The game is beautiful. Game play was fun at first but the build path gets stale really quick. 

There is no point of upgrading more than 1 card, stacking upgrades to make an infiite deck is way better. I can't beat the last boss without inifinte because there are not enough sustain cards. Most cards require killing a target and not enough minions spawn.

here are a couple of bugs I think was not intended:

Curse cards stay over combat if exhuased with a card

(practice dummys and frog)camp sites can be use unlimed times. with the 0 cost redraw and the 1 mana for 2 energy and 1 draw card with camp tag you can do some infinite stuff

Here is how it happened

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if you every wonder what 100+ attack looks like