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A member registered Aug 14, 2019

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(1 edit)

At the end of the day some part of you clearly wanted to make this game. I get it, we're all probably freaks. But unless it was harmful to your own health, whats the harm in it. I hope you're able to develop the game again, but I hope you do it from a healthy mindset not cause you feel everyone is pressuring you into it...

Out of curiousity, when can we expect some more scenes with Noriko on the non-dominant route? Also her eavesdropping on you and Asami during the Love route is adorable btw :) Loving the game a lot! Especially Asami!

I think this might have happened to me as well I have 16gbs avaliable on my main drive, so I install all my games on my secondary drive and after installing the game and playing through it, I checked my drives to see that I had 1gb remaining on my main drive.

Take shower in gym I believe...

Stool in kitchen

Just got done playing the newest public patch (v0.18) just wanna say I'm already really liking Astrid! Just an enjoyable character to interact with.

I was also quite sad we didn't get a bit more Ferne :(