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A member registered Apr 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Félicitations pour ta participation. Ton jeu est vraiment bien pour un premier.

Excellent concept.

Félicitations à toi.

Non la musique est de moi. Mais faire avec le même logiciel que fl8.

Tu as pas creusé au bon endroit ^^.
Merci d'être passé sur le live et d'avoir testé le jeu.

Ouais pas simple à équilibrer cette affaire.

Une petite pépite ce jeu.

Thanks for the message.

Yeah the controls aren't intuitive, but they suggest the hit from hand to machine.

Yeah i would like to suggest that the player hit the side of the machine with hand.

I don't have enough time bbut my first idea was to draw a hand which hit the machine. I setup the warp effect to suggest it.

Thanks a lot for your comment.
I'm glad you enjoy it.

Can't launch your game. Locked in the title screen....but hey ! You're in the theme !!!

Merci !

L'idée de base est de moi mais c'est un travail collaboratif pour les idées de gameplay supplémentaires

Merci ^^.

C'était un plaisir de te rencontrer également et d'avoir pu tester ton jeu.

Tu pensais à quel genre de feedbacks ?

Dans sa version web, le jeu à tendance à faire exploser les pc oui ^^.
Mais une fois tout les maïs éclatés, tout revient à la normal ;).

Merci !!!

Le jeu à été prévu pour être joué en natif (donc télécharger le jeu pour y jouer plutôt qu'utiliser la version web)

La version n'est là que pour donner un aperçu du jeu en quelque sorte.

Really nice asset pack.
There is all i need for realize a beautiful game.

Thanks a lot to give this to community.

Thanks a lot.

Thanks a lot. That's my goal to make a chill game.

At start i would create a black and white game but, with the apparition of the second life line, it become ovious to put colors.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I try to make some poetic game. Hope you felt it.

I like the end of the game.

Great entry.


It looks like you got inspired by Omno.

Great atmosphere.

As all of us, i don't have the time to add some features like sounds when you miss a character.

Strange you found movement feel weird. That's a classic behaviour, but hey, i note this for future jam.

Thank you for the test.


Good to read this ^^.

Yeah i'm tried to jam every time i can.

Thanks for the comment.

Damn we got the same idea ^^ !

Good entry for this jam, congratulations.

Le jeu est tout simplement une réussite.
C'est drôle, on apprends des choses (un peu), la DA, les musiques, les petits clins d'oeil à notre état mental que nous fait subir cette "pression".
J'ai passé un excellent moment.


La vidéo est exceptionnelle XD.

Une superbe expérience. Félicitations.

117 !

What a nice entry for a 3h jam. 4 differents gameplay and well realized.

Same problems as already noticed -> lag issue.

Good job anyway.

Great entry. Good job.

Merci ^^.

Yes it is designed for that...few try before win the game.
Thanks for the test and the feedback.

Thanks for test the game. Glad you love it.

Really good entry.

The aesthetics are so cool.


I think the goal and the way to go to this goal aren't clear in the game, even with the tutorial.

Looks like castle life never be impacted by any move i did. But i think the idea behind this is rellay good (such as create minions with minions parts).