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A member registered Apr 13, 2022

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Ah, well. My farmhands are a bunch of Orcs, they'll manage with what they've got already.

Thanks again :D

(2 edits)

"There are no specific conditions against them being randomly generated" is all I needed to know. Let the hunt begin :D
Thanks for all the answers, oddly enough I was editing my post while you were finishing yours, I managed to find and correct the spelling problem for point 4.
You were super useful, I will add those lines to the files at once!

EDIT: Uh, should I add 'trainee' beside 'trainer'? 
EDIT2: The Trainer job now works as it should, thanks.
About point 3: what I meant is that if I have a slave do, let's say, entertainment, or hunting, that slave will eventually not only get better at his\her job, but also gain enough normal XP to actually level up. Farm jobs don't really give experience, whereas it would be useful\realistic if I could add strength\agility to farmhands\milkmaids without having to resort to take them out to tag along while I fight bandits.

(1 edit)

Hi Aric, first of all thanks for all the hard work, I think this mod really gives the game more depth and options, especially with some of Ralph's Tweaks enabled.
I've been playing and tweaking stuff for a few days, and I would like to report some bugs\ask some clarifications about some of the content of the mod\overhaul:

1) Training grounds. They are not working at all for me. I have a lvl 11 Rich Dragonkin trainer with maxed out stats and more than 500 battles, but her trainees (low level, of course) don't seem to gain any experience or learning points at all. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
2) Also training grounds, this time a clarification: is the Tamer specialization working for the trainer? I've tried training some "uncivilized" people with a tamer, but to no avail. I do realize the specialization itself requires time and luck in any circumstance, so I'm wondering if it's at least doing something.

3) I love what you did with the farm. The whole bottling business is a work of genius. I wonder though: is there any way to have people who work in the farm gain some experience from their work? It seems to me like the game provides slaves with experience related to any of their possible jobs (except maybe Lab Assistant or Jailer) and it would be fitting to have low level farmhands who have the chance of getting stronger while doing the job.
4) Also about the farm: I gave a bottle of Milk to a slave with low energy, but the popup window said I'd given her a bottle of Piss instead. Not sure if the effect was correct, as she had a little bit of stress already.  Found the solution, it was just a spelling mistake in The effect was, indeed, correct.

5) Are the MC's fetishes affecting the gameplay at all? If yes, how can I change them? I can't find the answer anywhere, sorry if it's been asked before.
6) Is there any chance to encounter randomly one of the "special" races Ralph added to the game (like Gargoyles, Ents, stuff like that) or breeding is the only chance I've got?

Sorry for the long list of questions, I have been collecting them for a while before coming here and posting :) Thanks again for your hard work!