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Federico Baglivo

A member registered Aug 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Sometimes appearances can be deceptive :D

Thanks :)

Can you please post your pc config? Maybe you have the firewall activated that marks the file inside the archive as dangerous and send them in quarantine or it deletes

Thanks a lot Uncle Indie!

Hi, thanks for showing interest in our game!

The Mac version of the game is something we are planned for the future, so the answer to your question is yes, absolutely! 

(1 edit)

Thank you! 😍

Hi RoboJam, thank you very much for trying out our demo!

Malware is now in development, so stay tuned for more info & updates ;) 

Well, this is quite unexpected! Thanks for playing our game: happy to know you enjoyed it!

Hi! Thanks a lot! Already replied and rt on Twitter :D

Hi, thanks for playing Snake Missiles and for your feedback!
I agree with the minus, unfortunately we have not managed to include much of the features we wanted, including a basic AI for the enemy, the ability to split the missile if hit at certain points of his "body" so as to hit more enemies, or more times the same enemy, etc..
We wait for the proclamation of the winner then see if we can fix it! :) 
Thanks again!