I have few suggestions to share.
- When I visited your trello and read about ideas about adding new vehicles with different purpose so...buggi for replanting fruit tree, so you can make orchard next to your base or something like that. It would be great if you must create different pavement special for fruit tree. Next....there can be special drone for gathering fruit and caring for them.
- Another buggi can be some kind of big drill for minign stones and radioactive ore.
- You added Rain Collectors to the game...it would be nice if there is some possibilities to connect them with base (some water pipe and pump...and maybe some filter so water will be clean). It can automatic add water to water tanks. There is conduit in game...so water pipe can be something like it (so not much programming something new :-) ).
- More advance space suit with more capacity battery and more capacity of oxygen.
- I think that main goal of game should be fully automatic self-care base because main character is CAT and cats are lazy creatures (and I am also lazy especially in late game). :-)
I like your progress with developing. It´s really great job.