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Fun little game. Vibes are good. Got eaten by pacman can confirm.

Game is pretty fun, graphics and sound are good. I would like it if i could see my health though or at least have an indicator when I am taking damage.

It's also a bit unclear what your supposed to do in my opinion. It took me a while to figure out that the yellow ones drop ammo and that it wasn't just random.

Ship felt pretty uncontrollable, which i think would feel a lot better if you could also move with A & D.

Lastly maybe a timer as a goal to life as long as possible so the player has a goal would be nice.

Either way, it seems to have potential!

I like the idea of trying to check if a player is an a flow and them getting rewarded for it. If i expended on this idea i would probably make it so that you have a bar that files up when you kill something but which slowly depletes so you need to keep getting kill/hits to replenish it, and than you get buffs the higher the bar goes. To balance it, the higher the bar goes the faster it depletes but and maybe more things to hit spawn.

Should be a lot more asteroids now in V0.03!

Fun Game and I like the music. Its quite engaging. I do find the rotating a bit disorientating, but that's very personal.

And what is the reason for the M0/LShift fire? I don't really see why i would ever let go of that fire button.