I'm looking for a team as well, I can do VFX, set up materials and more or less decent lighting.
Very neat game!
I had trouble figuring out what to do with the animals though, until I checked the comments here.
Maybe the deer could give you more of a hint. I tried clicking on the notes appearing over its head which immediately ended the singing-action and after I knew what to do it was still kind of tricky choosing the right spots at first xD
I had a small error in the beginning (using Chrome) where I went into the screen with the mushroom lover the second time, double clicked somewhere in the scene and suddenly there were two of me - and then the game froze in confusion :D
Now that I have played around with RPGMaker a bit for a fangame to Star Trek Voyager (which is at 75% atm), we (means the artist and me) decided to start a project with our own characters.
So far we've only got some sketches and I'm starting to set up the interface... RPGMaker does make things complicated. After this game I may look at Construct.
It's going to be an adventure with some puzzles and a lot of weird dialogue. I'm actually more of a writer but I try not to be too linear since that always bugs me in games of this kind.
Hope to post some more interesting stuff soon!