I was just browsing latest uploads on Itch the other night and out of the ones I tried, I really got into your game XD
I know, random, but honestly I love it!
First, I liked the game a lot. It was fun and great concept :)
Like the previous commenter, it took me a few minutes to really get it. I almost gave up because each time I had to restart the first level I had to wait for the robot to walk for like 10-20 seconds before I figured out it would die lol.
I really liked the puzzle design of the level I have screenshotted here but would've liked a few more before it to scale up in difficulty. I gave up trying on this one due to that, but it was fun
I really like the concept of this! I might've just been bad at it, because it didn't seem to work too well for me. Enemies spawned when I wasn't spawning them and would come to me and follow me so I thought we were cool, until I died.
Also, warning, I couldn't exit the game after I went full screen and had to restart my browser lol. Might've been a Mac thing?
Awesome job on this, it was really fun to play! Did you really design all the levels during the game jam? It feels like you may have already had some design idea or plan going into this and then made it fit the theme. Otherwise you are really good at designing puzzle games! You should be putting out new puzzle games every other day if you can design this many levels in 48 hours!