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A member registered Apr 10, 2023

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Sorry  i didnt mean to bother you about it. was just curious

Hello is the update close yet?

Precisely, like Degrees of lewdity. I've played that one so much that until there's some MAJOR updates there's no point in playing it. (Sandbox rpg) And like third crisis has the same content for so long I can't make it where I was. If you like femboys and futa there's a game called Tales of Androgyny here on Itch you might like, it's RPG stance combat/heavily sexual you can play as a strong dominant character but it makes some encounters harder 

awww i just saw in order to play the full game i have to buy it

i just now beat the game in 61 days      :)

Syahata's bad day its on android and windows and soon to get an update

alrighty. i shall attempt to be patient whilst i await the soon to be amazing game

that's unfortunate

I'm super duper excited 😁😁😁 is there an ETA yet? 2 weeks? 3?

I meant like in game 

hey im curious if you will be adding a way to mess with your gender mid game?

Hey how's the bug hunt going. I thought I'd drop by and chuck up on potentially my favorite game!!! 

theres a specific scene that lets you grab the ray gun

Backrooms community · Created a new topic Question

so i played the backrooms difficulty and saw no monsters ever bust still died seemingly at random

oh really? well im glad to know the game is still being worked on

I was wondering because I haven't heard any updates for, a very long time

i was just curious, i know of another game with a similar premise (virus turns everyone infected into mindless sex monsters) and the added a masturbation button because if your character orgasms from a infected creature then they cum inside you, but thank you so much for being such a listening developer absolutely in my top 3 already. im super excited :) see you when the game drops. 

that's fine. thank you for your time and at least the attempt to help. that's better than can say for most people.

oh, hey I forgot to ask but will there be a dedicated masturbate or surrender button?

oh, alrighty I'm super excited and if I had money id pay for your Patreon. is it possible at all to get a tag when it's up and running so that I don't miss it please.

Oooh so it turns men into futa, I thought it turned woman into futa. Thank you for the clarification 

Hellooooo, I noticed the update didn't push through and I really apologize for bothering you about it but how long do you think the delay might be?

Unfortunate, thank you

how do i play as anko i played the demo

I mean anyone under the age 18. I've also already played those and loved them, and don't worry brother I'm a fairly patient guy. thank you so much.

absolutely, plus it's hard finding female protagonist games, oh and I forgot to mention I have both an android phone and a windows laptop. I apologize for forgetting to mention that 

I'm against 

Gore (in the sexual nature, if I come across it like I just found a gore bag in fallout 3 it's fine)


Inflation (fine with it just not a huge fan)

Food (preferably avoided)

Necrophilia (I don't like dead bodies for saxy times)

Anything involving minors (avoid like the plague) 

Vore (not a massive issue just not super into it)

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head, then again I just got off work and am tired. Sorry if you waited a while I try and check in itch every day

hey, this isn't related at all, but I was wondering if you had some recommendations as I have the same rule to never pay either. I hope you respond soon if at all. if not have a wonderful day.

I'm sorry but I was just a question, I didn't know if the toggle was working hence why I asked so you don't have to reply so rude or in the crude way in which you did. I hope your day gets better and you are not as angry as you were when you posted this

I am super excited, I won't use the gallery so that I can see in full glory what you have

Predation community · Created a new topic question

hello firstly, i apologize for bothering you about this as you probably get asked a lot but i was wondering how soon the next update would be i just discovered the game and already did the test build but didn't look at gallery yet. any idea when the next update is ready

hey i recently got a laptop so i can actually play so yay. but i noticed even though one of the toggles "futa" is turned off all of the characters are futa or femboy. dont get me wrong i LOVE almost every aspect of the game but i was expecting to at least have the ability to screw some women  as well as guys. long story short is there a way to get some actual females or even a female protagonist? no matter the choice i shall be excited. have a truly wonderfull day. 

Hey is the second part in the works?

Just played every level from 1-4 and even played again to get used and defeated by every one 😉 very good amazing 

Hey so I went to the gallery as soon as I could and the first level animations worked flawlessly but when I clicked on the second level the screen froze and didn't work until the next morning when my phone died (android)

I just saw the a android update THANK YOU THA I YOU THANK YOUUUUU ♥️♥️♥️😘😘😘😘♥️♥️♥️♥️


everything is squished together and makes it very difficult to read unfortunately 

I'm no coder, nor do I have any of the equipment to try. But should you attempt to make anymore erotic games know that I will be your number 1 follower

A game I really enjoy but can't find any similar to it is Degrees of lewdity