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A member registered Nov 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi there!
Thank you alot for all that feedback and criticism.
I will address some points in the following:

  • About the controller: Currently the game isn't really configured for game controller, but that's definitely on the list for the full release. We plan to also change up the button display ingame according to the used input device. For now, we can only fully guarantee keyboard support.
  • Regarding the translation: Do you have some examples which stuck out to you? Because the thing is, we actually pay very close attention - especially in later parts of the game - to the translation and until now other native speakers only ever mentioned some minor wording issues in the prologue section of the game. So detailed feedback on that matter would be very much appreciated!
  • About the queer content in the story: While queer characters, themes and struggles are an integral part to the story and world of Charon - Zhetan Chronicles, they are not the main focus of the plot. Simply put: It's not supposed to be "Sai's adventures about being queer", but "Sai's adventures while being queer".
  • To your question about the portal: Portals are nothing new to humans (atleast to those whom dabble in magic). After all, they know daemons for centuries and fight that war for some time... But usually such portals can only be created near the Great Chasm (which divides the World Above from the Underworld), which is not exactly close to the village of Arath. So the question is not "What's a portal?", but "What's a portal doing here?"

Thank you again for your feedback and we'll be looking forward to read again from you!

Best Regards,
Team FervorCraft

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Hi there!
At the moment, we are in the midst of development for the next chapter and its release as Early Access (probably at the end of the year).
After that, the works on the remaining conent for the full version will begin.