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A member registered Dec 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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is it not normally?

didnt see any differences compared to the normal game, unless you have to win

so like..what even is devastation mode?

(i now realize that all of this is in the description and i am simply blind, apologies ;-;

I don't know if this is already planned or not but maybe a simple tutorial of how the game works? like how you get inflated, inflate them, win, etc. Other than that im glad the fierylions og game is getting some recognition and i cant wait to see whats in store for future updates.

just amazing, this update was amazing in every way, loved the new scenes and NPC dialogues (and kelly's awakening >:3). All im wondering for the future is if were ever going to get to indulge on these things that have been happening around us? or if were ever going to see our roommate again. Again, amazing update, keep up the good work :

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Just played the new update, and i only love the game more,  great work on this game and im excited to see what else you have planned in the future :D

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Regarding the minigame, ive found that if you spam click right after she stops to breathe, and continue clicking while its inserting, every click gives progress towards cum bar, but other than that it all looks and plays great :D (oh yeah also plz nerf minigame phase 3 ;-;)

basically what everyone else is saying, cant proceed after first encounter, but I was have another thing to add, is there going to be actual "death" screens? and I was wondering about what those would entail, whether it be permanent entrapment, or my personal favorite of a rather explosive end >:3 just curious because this game has a lot of potential

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If this is already planned, then sorry

Also, I was wondering if there could be another progress bar for the preggo? along with dialouge options maybe to find out preferences or somethin

Loving the game, great visuals, though I've found that you are able to speed up the cooking speed by quite a large amount if you simply click between the three options

While some hyper preg surrogate room-filling fun is good and all, what if there was a mode seperate from the main game where you had to moreso manage her size or risk destroying the station

Love the game and artstyle, though I feel its too exponential in the growth, other than that good game so far, wondering if there'll be any bigger sizes perhaps for that "bigger space station