Ughhh yeah it's a gamemaker .exe thing - it's not actually a virus. Sorry it does this though - I'll try and make an html5 version of it at some point so it doesn't require the download.
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Yoo newobject thank you!
I finally made this very awkward work around for it to work!
I never posted about it here because I wasn't sure if you could load external games onto the Steamdeck? I'm guessing you totally can though which is cool.
Thank you very much though! I hope its fun to play on there! I need to get one asap.
- fffrog3
Yeah that's really odd. If anyone else has the issue I'll mmessage itch support about it.
And thank you for letting me know how the playthrough was - it makes me incredibly happy you enjoyed it.
Kool aid guy part is one of my favourites too (and also interestingly the scene that Steam banned the game for -_- lol)
Yeah have fun and go back at some point, the "true" ending is pretty sick :^)
Keep blarping. Eat trash forever 💖
Hi CoolDotty,
Thank you for posting about this! I've had a couple other reports of the same issue and I'm really sorry about the crashes.
I still can't replicate it happening on my laptop, but as of yesterday I think I might have found the problem! I'll release a patch asap and will message back when it's fixed.
Thanks again for letting me know, and thank you very very much for checking out the game :)
- fffrog3