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A member registered 41 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you! 

Originally my idea was to make a kind of dementia simulator,  [Basically the room would have changed around you without you noticing until nothings recognizable anymore and your vision just "decays" till there's nothing but a violent static] .

 But by the time everything was ready to be put together I didn't have enough time left to do so,  hence the lack of things to do but dance 😂. I'm fairly certain the fridge thing is mostly caused by the arms, which have really high-detail colliders, and probably the weird shape of the fridges too. 

The video stutters a lot too tho so it's possible it's more of an optimization issue, I think I included the Godot project in the file  so feel free to have a look and mess around with it, let me know if you solve the issue or use the project as a base for something else, I'd love to see it.

Godot FTW!!


pull up drop a milly

I only got as far as level 2 but the aesthetic and design approach really speak to me, there were a couple mushrooms in places I couldn't shoot and their "health?" aspect wasn't immediately clear so it felt broken until I saw a Damage Upgrade. But other than that I enjoyed playing Ultimate Musroom Invasion 😂👌

The hidden poster made me happy!