glorified witing simulator with surprisingli good storry and reward sistem
3 months and I still love this game
this game is like some fps game but beter because you can see
I cant get of this game I have 40000 and I think I will keep going
new day new high score 20000 did you know this game fits perfectli vith thet one free bird top gun seen?
you want to flex your self out of the room righr?
stop flexing I have some thing above 60
nvm 10000 have I sead this game is loot of fun? but I would like to ask game devs to give me more field of viev when I have full screan
5500 is shureli something
Iยดm not reali shure if 3000 is loot or little but this is loot of fun
the game is nice but ending is preti un revardig
thoes guis disaper when they die and kill me any way
I love it but please make pery easier to pul of mabye longer time it stay up btw LLHH is op you can spam it ad dodge throw if needet + its super easi