lovely little point and click game, really throws me back to my younger days
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Found this online, hope it helps:
The warning indicates that the Player's web-browser is either:
a. So old it doesn't support the local storage functionallity required by the SugarCube engine.
b. Is being run in a mode / way that restricts access to the storage functionallity required.
a. You can get this warning if the web-browser has been configured to disable cookies.
A short twine game where you play as a robot trying to find purpose in their newfound freedom.
After the liberation of the robots, you (a robot) stand in a great robot party thinking of finding what to do with your newfound freedom.
Meet a friend, or go on a self-exploration journey, your future is up to you.
12 different endings, some art, maybe amusing writing, for you to decide.
Might be the first game I made that I'm happy with, please try it if you want :)
hey! Really enjoying your game thus far!
Have one question which I’m slightly confused on, when you fail to oppose red suits the pilots takes 1 damage, and when you fail to oppose black suits the slayer takes 1 damage.
It says when you oppose the god directly you take “damage as usual” but I’m not sure what it means, as I’m not attacking a certain suit (and would it still be one damage?) any clarification? or if I just missed something pointing me to what I missed it would be very welcome
again, cool again, you’ve created an awesome thing
First of this is a lovely entree and the visuals are adorable. as an artist myself, a lot of it is very relatable, the inability of coming up with ideas is a constant fear to me, and always feeling like an "uncreative" creative type is not fun.
a lot of my ideas come randomly to me when I see something that acts as inspiration, but it's usually when I talk about it to my friends it goes from a passing thought to an actual idea I can use. most of my ideas are built from things I think are cool and things I want to make people feel (usually happiness.) but a lot of time when I try to sit down and create my mind goes blank and I feel stuck.
this proves you are very capable of creating wonderful things and I hope you do!
hey! My name is Finel and i am a 2d artist, i usually make character art and upload it to my ig page (which you can see here: ) I also recently started to dabble in pixel art but Its not here nor there yet but im willing to try and do my best.
I dont understand programing enough to do a game by my own (yet?) but i would love to help someone who does understand and want to add some art as pretty flavor. so hit me up if youre interested