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A member registered Jun 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi, I think I have a problem because I can't go past day 22 on Richard's route, what should I do ? 

So I have some problems downloading the files, each time I try it's doing its thing but after a few minutes the download is forcibly interrupted and I cannot start it again. It is not my connection as I tried to download another VN and things went smoothly. So can someone tell me what I can do to resolve the issues please ?  

So I have a question : Is chapter 18 the end of the game or we still have many chapters to come ? 

I appreciate a lot the love interests (John especially) but my heart made a 360 when I heard Rex's point of view in life because that's also how I view the world and I'm strongly considering picking the programming lessons so I can create a route with him 

Is the "sleepy Boys" event in coming updates or can i find in the 0.10 version ? 


I'm having pangs of guilt killing me for doing Tai's route just after Diego's at least Xevvy you can consider Diego's route a succes for me. :,(:,(:,(

Thanks and I love the game by the way hope to see more later

Nope I had to use the screenshot of my laptop to be able to see the squares . Oh and another thing the CGs seems to have some problems 

nevermind I found a solution sorry for disturbing you 

when we have to hack into Garm's phone . It says light up all the squares but I can't see anything 

Hey is it normal that we cannot see the mini game for the interactive CG ?

Just began playing Tom's route and OH MY GOSH I almost lost my self restraint when I saw his sprites . At first it was unnerving but when I saw him blush I fell in love again 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

I can't find the background music "changing scenes and time " on the page can someone help me please ? 

I think I have a theory tied to the nature of the Ominous Whisper and the reason why you are able to talk their language but I'm still missing some pieces so I will wait for the update holding back as much as I can 

Your life will be spared since Maccon is my favorite ;)

Hi, I have a problem with the files itself , every time i try to download and extract it it just vanishes without a trace 

in the quest log 

in the quest log 

Hi there is a bug about the lust curse: everytime you're puttting the mouse on the info the numbers of acolytes you need to find keeps increasing 

I just played Darius' important part of the update with Dream's Awakening in the background and it became more magical and more sentimental than it already was 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

(1 edit)

Can you tell me what i have to do I'm aslo stuck at this part ? Nevermind just figured it out 

(2 edits)

Hey can someone tell me how can i kiss Dean on day 6 please ? I tried everything I could think of .  Because Before entering the hot thub you have two options : to enter it or to kiss Dean. But the latter is shadowed like it is not available . 

And is it only eight years or did you mean eighty years when you were talking about the mission ? 

Can someone remind how to build the prison please ?

Your welcome 

Is there a problem with itch because i tried to download the app but i can't find the files for it on the  notification or the description of the game ? 

Hi it's the same I think the problem may comes from my own computer thanks though it wa appreciated and sorry for the convenience 

Hi is there reason when i start the game i get this ? 

Hi so every time when I'm talking to Orderick and he is telling he has a job for me in the first chapter it crashes 

maybe you need to explore all the rooms in all the routes to get it ?

And how can i learn the reptiliens Lure ?

Can someone tell how can i build the prison please ? 

So how Can i invite the Orc ?

Can someone help me to get clues from Oswin when we can ask him questions please ?

Can someone tell me how i can trigger the bondage scene with Hayden please ?

hello how can I trigger the battle against the 2 bosses of the bandits ? 

Dows the game have a scene triggered when you reach 100 affection with Bernard ? 

oh thanks 

yes why ?