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A member registered Nov 03, 2024

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1. Loyal, kind-hearted, hates clan rivality, cheerful

2. She-cat so she/her

3. Redstar, Thunderclan

4. She was born and grown up in Thunderclan with 3 sisters: Stripedfur, Brightpelt and Hazeltail. Was struggling with training and gave up after 1 moon. Wanted to become a medic but the medic couldn't take one more app. So Redstar(then Redpaw) helped out in the clan in other ways. Became a warrior after starting helping out in clan in the other ways. Redstar's warrior name was Redheart for her passion, loyalty and kindness. Became deputy. Became leader after the former leader died to her greencough. Lost first life because of a rogue attack. 

5. Very short fur

6. Red fur without markings. White belly, tail tip, paws and nose. 

7. Middle blue.

8. One large scar on left shoulder and some scratch marks all over body

9. Flower on ear, like the petunia from kit to leader

Wow! So beautiful

If she runs away to the fair, she will have her kits there. Otherwise, she will have her cats in Brambleclan or pretend like nothing happened(if you exile her)


but if you meant Firestar, he has 200 HP.

What drama?

That's not true. She will still sit there by the dip and say "the world is so vast and beautiful" and it will be like if she never met Sunfall.

That's probably not a glitch. I got 80 rep too by hunting as an app.

You can't fight her.

And you need 80 reputation to become a leader, not 90. 

Hi guys! Did you know that you can have a leader name as a warrior? Just request the suffix "star."

That is why I am focusing so much on getting reputation. So I can request the suffix "heart" and become leader shortly after becoming a warrior.

np, happy to help :D

You can go to the fair without Crystalblaze running away there. Just jump past Garble. It will work, I've done it myself.

What a pity ktl won't have more updates... :(

I wish that when you are reborn, Lilacpath will say "WAIT A SEC! [YOUR WARRIOR/LEADER NAME] , IS THAT YOU?!


I name myself "Firekit." 

I make myself a she-cat.

I choose the brown pelt with green eyes cuz it is the closest to Firestar.

I request the suffix "heart"

I oneshot Firestar(and prove that I am the Firestar from WC)

and the badger by the hunting grounds. 

I mate Duskfall.

I make Crystalblaze have her kits in Brambleclan. 

I make Nightwhisper my deputy.

I die of old age.

Same. I want to oneshot both of the bagders and Firestar, and I don't talk to Hollypelt until I have 55 reputation(I recieve the rest by giving Milkywillow a den) and about 2300 HP. Training to be a leader.

This is true. I had kits with her myself. 

np :D


After you become leader, take all the gemstones and go to the "empty cave." Click on the big rock and enter the opening that will appear to recieve your nine lives. Then go kill Firestar. He has 200 HP and is located across the river. If he is alive when it is raining, you will lose your clan.

Yes! You have to make Moonheart tell you about Mosskit. Then a red X will appear at the beach. Take the mossball in the warriors den and place it on the X. Next moonhigh, Moss-shadow will appear. Click on her to start the dialogue and take her to Bramblestar. If you have at least 80 reputation, he will make you leader right on the spot, if not, earn reputation until you have 80, then Bramblestar will call a clan meeting and make you leader.

Yup, and I like it :D


What is a furry???

Can someone show me the scene when you lose your clan??? 


I agree

Just in case someone is wondering,

you can make Crystalblaze have her kits in brambleclan instead of running away to the fair. 

First, you have to discover her rogue realationship as a warrior. DON'T TELL BRAMBLESTAR!!!

Then, become leader and talk to her. She will say: 

Now that you are leader, and you know that I have a rogue realationship, you have all the power to exile me from the clan for my betrayal. Sunfall loves me, and I love him. I want to start a family together with him, but that would mean that I'm breaking the clan code. 

She will also say that she doesn't expect you to forgive her. 

After that, type in no. The question will be "should I exile Crystalblaze from brambleclan?" 

I haven't tried to type in "yes" since I don't want to exile her.

I hope this is helpful!