Firewing of Fireclan
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Yall know there is a save game option on scratch?
You talk to Moose utill she says 'can you do me a favor' you answer yes you give Nightlight a pink tulip (there the pink flowers by fallen clan) (Nightlight is the purple-black cat with wight splotches.) Then you go to Moose and then go back to Nightlight and give her the wilted flower. Go back and talk to Moose. In a few in game days Nightlight will look mad, talk to her and she will tell you to 'go see who Moose's new bestie is.' Moose will be in the tent with a grey-green cat talk to Moose she will talk to you about polymorphy.
You give do the first part of couples theyrepy and instead of talking to Nightlight you give her the wilted flower instead go talk to Moose then talk to Nightlight then Moose will be in that position with Grasswistle. Talk to Moose and she will tell you about polymorphism then talk to Nightlight again. This is also how you get Cheter Cheter flower eater.