"[ Note: you can wear whatever you want, regardless of gender. ]" is the most encouraging thing i've heard in a week
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entertained me for hours. finally managed to get the portal up but i couldn't fight off all the demons. got it up again, same story. then i got too cocky and kept trying to level up to become even more powerful. then uh. this happened?

Oh :( It forgot my progress from the other day. Oh well.
On an additional note, I think it would be nice if the movement system was updated to allow you to use WASD/Arrow Keys. It's a bit annoying having to click on multiple different points on the screen just to try and maneuver myself around some obstacles.
or more like a reference, really. (i hope this is an okay thing to post here? i'm not sure if these sorts of things are allowed)
stoneDust to iron: 0.25/s (note: you can do straight stone to iron but it has a much lower return rate. 0.08 iron/s. yikes)
iron to lead: 0.40 lead/s
lead to copper: 0.30 copper/s
copper to silver: 0.25 silver/s
silver to gold: 0.20 gold/s
gold to quicksilver: 0.25 quicksilver/s
"if I put in so much of one material, how much will I get of the next?":
(input amount) / 0.5 * (output rate)
:) this is mostly for me but it might help someone else who wants to calculate exact times and amounts (or just likes math)
if you're using straight up stone and want 25 gold, you need roughly 1,628 stone. with one transmuter, it'll take at least 28-29 hours. ain't that a while.
if you're using stoneDust and want 25 gold, you only need about 521 stoneDust, and it'll take you at minimum just about 9 hours. save yourself the extra 20 and use stoneDust.
my math might be a little off, by the way. just a disclaimer.
This is awesome! I'm hooked, lol. Reminds me of a game I played once that I can't seem to remember the name of… but it had a lot of cool puzzles like this. Speaking of that, I seem to be stuck on a box-push puzzle right now. Or two puzzles, technically. It's on "Volcano (Level: 2)". Here's a picture of it.
Anyway, onto my critiques/suggestions! The graphics are good, but at times it's a bit hard to tell things apart. It'd be nice if there was a bit more contrast, especially between the player and the background. Also, a map would be SUPER handy. I've forgotten where I've gone or where I'm going a lot while playing, so it'd be nice to have a way to keep track of that.
i felt oddly moved despite not having a single fucking clue what the hell was going on. it was very strange, but in a good way. between watching the lil dudes picking apart the field like ants, the soundtrack, and the nonsensical but charming story, i was absolutely mesmerized. this is a nice little hidden gem amongst countless other games :)
Ooh, this is very fun. It's a shame you're no longer developing it :( I like the combination of incremental gameplay and a story told through the world/characters. (also i'm guessing there's no way to get iron ore? cuz if that's the case then i've unfortunately exhausted this game of it's available content)