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A member registered Jul 02, 2022

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Good thing I'm purple

Fact: golorby smorgasbord sploppy bloopy shploorp


Attention all, it snaped like a twig, thank you for your attention

Tee hee

Dont teehee me you scalywag

tee hee

Damn you MrFishcheese 



Or sit on my face there are no other options 

Add a fishing minigame and make me the rarest fish, thoughts?



We are so incredibly fucking back

(6 edits)

Someone, hit me in the balls so I know I'm not dreaming

We are so back



Absolute banger of a song imo


Its official im a woman because i was careless with a chainsaw and pipe bomb (dont ask)

You have a good day too and keep up the good work :)

(9 edits)

Another bug horizontally connected walls only half blow up the top half stays but is not a physical object and the shop button on the next level screen seems to be broken but only on level 8

Enemy bullets just either stop or float sideways when hitting another enemy

Not as important but the double in double barrel and double shot is missing a u

Also if you really hug a corner with double barrel you can shoot without geting shot

Also I don't know if it is just level 18 or all levels designed with the same layout you can go through the wall in certain places

Next button on 18 isn't working

Level 19 can't be clicked on (is 18 the last level so far or is it just unlucky that both ways of getting there are broken)

yes I did have double bullet 

(11 edits)

Also i just found out that explosive bullet says it costs 0 coins

Also level 10 finished with one enemy alive

11 did the same

12 can't finish there are no enemy's yet it doesn't end

It also finishes with one enemy when I retry

Most level after 10 end with 1 enemy left

16 ended with 2 or 1 alive

On the level select if you scroll up too mutch you get stuck

(4 edits)

Hey this is really fun but a tutorial would be nice or just a way to see controls and level 3 is really difficult if you don't know there are bombs that blow up walls,  also "a" and "w" don't work only "s" and "d" but arrows are good, also i really like the fact that you can shoot the bullets out of the air and that the ai try to bounce bullits at you. overall a very good game.

android for pay? Kimono time