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A member registered Apr 22, 2017

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I kept putting this one off not sure why finally got around to playing it when I heard lesbian content being spoken about (having it is a +1 for me) anyway
I regret putting this off, great game so far, will be joining Patreon next week for sure.

Nice start following for now to see where it goes but a game with futa x male and futa x female is always nice. I am more of a fan of futa x female but can appreciate futa x male when its more femboy or crossdressing rather then some bulk muscle man. Look forward to seeing more of this story,

Game looks good, I am waiting for the new month to subscribe as it's set for the 1st of each month. Seen a render of two girls kissing posted elsewhere and was like ohhhh I am in even if that type of content is only a small part.

Following to see where this one goes in future updates.

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Hmmm this is a type of game I would normally give a go but from memory this is the first time I have seen it, will add it to the list to give it a go soon.

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Why am I only just seeing this game now, need to give a try, looking at some comments elsewhere many say its a tad hard, time will tell

Interesting concept, will follow to see how it goes for now.

"I plan to add lesbian,  futanari and monster girl."

Well time to hit that follow button then :D, will give this a go over the weekend

Nice start so far, Look forward to seeing where this goes after an update or two. Animation was decent for your first attempts as well.

While not all the time most good futa NTR games work better when the MC does not know about the girl(s) being futa for some amout of time but this is not for every case it just makes it easier to pull things like your girlfriend and a female friend going to a dressing room together to try on clothes only for her to have sex with the girlfriend while the MC is talking to her from outside the room.
But I have seen games work where the MC knows about the futa early on as well just not as much so look forward to seeing what you do there.

Either way good luck with it all, will follow for now and if other social media sites or payment sub sites open up I will aim to join them as well in the future.

Nice start, will see how it goes after an update or two before jumping into Parteon, keep up the good work

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Interesting, will follow for now to see where it goes after an update or two. Best of luck on the development

Looks promising, once SubStar is approved I will sign up for sure.

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I am all for this type of game, Will be giving this one a go soon.

This actually makes me sad I just finished this version with it in it and was planning on joining on SubStar or Patreon once I seen this scene but knowing that it has been removed just makes me go oh why not make it an alt scene. Now I am not sure if I want to subscribe or not if scenes are going to be removed due to some backlash.

On that note was a good read overall rather enjoyable.

Thank you for the response, Will aim to fit in this game into the list to play over the next week or two.

As someone who is just starting this game is there any consequence on focusing on the main story tasks first or focusing on character scenes first. I am trying to balance it out for the moment but just don't want to be locked out of something for doing it in the wrong order if that is even possible.

I keep putting this one off, not sure way but I do recall reading a while back that things likes threesomes were removed as it happened too fast in the storyline, did these ever get added back into the game at a later date?  I don't me a good group scene here or there. 

Hmm, I finally got around to starting this got to the select difficultly and could not decide so I stopped for now, I am a person who likes to unlock everything but the requirement to do this is to play on Brave mode and this is something I don't think I am committed to do after reading comments on another site it just seems to much of a pain when more girls are introduced to maintain.

I'd gladly support a Patreon tier where you can get the Brave mode benefits while playing on Accession, But for now I think I will need to stop. Best of luck with it, will keep following for now but I can't support a game on Patreon that locks content on a mode like Brave, it would not be so bad if you could disable the Mood system at least.

I just started this game, got to the unlocking of the Journal, opened it up and it's telling me I have already missed an event that is in the future as I opened it "She Sits, Watching the world" is crossed out and "Crumble Around Her" is crossed out and also saying missedI get paranoid when something tells me I have missed an event

I can't figure out why and tried all selecting all options that were available before unlocking the Journal but I just got annoyed and closed the game. Been told good things about this one but I am a fan not missing events so I will come back at a later date.

Will aim to give this a go over the next couple of days.

I noticed you said it will always be free, I think you should look to invest some time in sites like f95 which is where I found this game. Sure their community can be a little too heavy on certain tags and get angry when games don't have or have certain tags but you might pick up a Pateron or two by posting on these sites under your game.

All good, thank you for the confirmation, It should not be a big deal but sometimes these games just flow better when the correct setup or patch that is offered elsewhere.

Yeah I that is what is confusing me as the landlord and mother mentioned are different characters so changing the landlord to his mother and her daughter to his sister would give him two mothers? Unless the mother in the screenshot is his original mother and not the body he is controlling mother?

The only reason I asked this is that on that other site they said the mother was someone else, (The first screenshot here) And I have see a few titles where you make the landlord the mother then a few updates later your actual mother shows up.

Only just starting this one and I have to ask the question which I guess the answer could be a spoiler but does the original body you take over have a family in the game or was the idea pushed that you are meant to change Mia and Alis from Landlord/Friend to Mother/Sister?

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EDIT: Ignore these questions,  they have been answered over on f95zone by one of the devs. - Thanks

I have been waiting to start this one for sometime, but I am torn between the two paths, All I keep seeing is the Light path is more tame and dark path has NTR but also wilder H scenes.
Does the light path turn into more of a single vanilla one girl at a time H scenes or does it still have group scenes with more then one girl or are these scenes locked behind the dark path.

How much does the story change between the two paths?

I guess what I am saying is there a way to view all scenes so if you pick dark path can you see all of what the light has to offer still? Does the story change or just H scenes.
How much work is involved to run two saves side by side?