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A member registered Jul 19, 2020

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Can't really provide a screenshot because once I snap one, the walls look normal on it lol. Considering the problem hasn't been heard of before - I'm thinking it's highly likely the problem is actually on my end. Either it's something to do with the hardware or my eyes are percieving it as slightly transparent due to the colors and speed. Considering the fact that when I take the screenshot they look normal, I'd venture it's the latter. Not really sure. 

At least I managed to beat the level right before posting here so there's that, I guess haha. 

(2 edits)

HEPTAGON Steam Release Review:

Hey, I found this game out due to a friend. Funnily enough it was just the day of the Steam release, so naturally, I got it. 

Been playing it for a good few 8 hours the last few days and I am enjoying the frustrating experience. Wasn't very good at the start but I'm slowly progressing and loving it. As of making this review I've beaten Level 1 Harder, Level 2 Harder, Level 3 Hard, Level 4 Hard (43sec), Level 5 Hard (69.40secs - big ripperoni), Level 6 Hard and Level 7 (on 90ish secs). 

However there are a few complaints I'd like to address. Seeing as a review with a few of them has already been made and are probably on their way to being addressed I'll try to not be a parrot:

Level 1 Hardest - other than it being nice to have a bit more breathing time during transitions, 2 times now (in the span of 2 hours trying this level), I've had it spawning a full circle of a pattern in the normal hexagon stage (if it helps both times it was with one of the walls being a double). It's insta death and I can't escape it. 


Level 3 Harder - This level is driving me crazy ngl. Level 3 Hard seemed like it had wonky transitions from the inner to outer part (which I'll dub the 'plane transition' for ease). I thought it was a design decision, since it seemed like a cool mechanic at the time (that you had to look ahead of the transition to prepare in advance to nail the first hole) but with Level 3 Harder upping the speed it's become torture.  

I'm not so sure it's a design decision anymore since it flat out kills me on multiple occasions due to me simply not being able to react fast enough. It's even worse when it does the backwards transition from normal to plane because I can't see how close I am to the holes and I can't prepare properly and it just spawns me in front of a wall. 

What's worse, even if one is to get used to this (which I slowly am), sometimes the transition itself glitches, the camera starts spinning and it kills you off with the side walls during the transition. Sadly I don't have footage of that happening. 

The normal to tower transition on the other hand is quite smooth, with ample time to prepare and it flows nicely.


Level 5 Hard - This is more of a 'me' problem but it might affect more people so I'll throw it in - I legit have ptsd from the black/white part of this level. I feel dread when it comes. And that's for the sole reason that for the life of me, I cannot see the slightly transparent walls. 90% of my deaths are from the black/white colored part of the level. The transparent blocks aren't that common (thank god) but on top of that, the sheer intensity of the black/white color palette seems to strain the eyes a lot more than any other mix. 

So, naturally, during that part I have to focus really hard on the walls coming on top of losing all sense of direction. I'd suggest, if not change the colors entirely, to at least play around with the them to make 'em pop a bit more and make the whole thing a lot more readable. Like the green part. I like the green part of that level... 


Other than that, the game's been a pretty fun time killer and a pretty good challenge. Especially when you race with friends to beat a level ('bragging rights' achievement unlocked). The added mechanics of the plane and the tower are pretty neat. I'm generally having a fun time playing through it.

If anything else pops up, I'll be sure to take note of it.