Recent community posts
if its lost you have to find another one, theres like 3 or 4 hidden on the map
really hope one day theres some kind of mechanic where if you find certain things they show up in the shop so losing them doesnt softlock the save, i lost all shovels before through unfortunate circumstances and missed out on a bunch of stuff, like the EMF detector that i didnt know about at the time
god that new #event# is awful, whats worse is i had to restart twice because i cant save and every time i try to sleep, my mattress gets dragged out into the woods and i have to drag it back for like 10 minutes while avoiding #obstacles#, and then when i tried to just afk and passing out over and over because my stamina is at 0, i kept getting thrown into nightmares and ragdolling all over the place, to a point where i clipped through a wall and got softlocked even harder in the #out of bounds area#
what is this update, its borderline unplayable, like losing all of my progress wasnt bad enough already, now i cant even do the daily objective or fix a single satellite without getting #set back to the day before#
am i really expected to just sit in a safe little spot where i cant clip as easily out of bounds and just afk for half an hour? im already not looking forward to dragging the mattress around again and losing a cool signal because of #event# blocking me from doing anything
have a bit of a problem, i found 2 shovels, brought them to the base and kept them there for a bit, then i started to rearrange some stuff and one of the shovels clipped through the ground and is now gone forever, soon after i grabbed the other shovel to walk around outside and look for stuff to dig up, then an ariral threw a rock at me and the shovel also disappeared into thin air
i feel like im softlocked now, is there any way to just open a spawn menu and get them back? is there maybe a third shovel i dont know of?