Hi, thank you! Of course I wouldn't mind paying for the translation, but I don't think it would be feasible for me at the moment (probably in a few months in the best case). If you would be willing to contact me and offer a quote, it's admin@flat-voxel.com
Flat Voxel
Creator of
Recent community posts
I had been away from Itch for quite some time, and when I released my last game in October I realized that I never replaced the previous one's demo by its full version. So, after a LONG delay, here it is:
About the game:
"Dash Hale is a combat-based runner with roguelite elements set in a dynamic, freely rotatable world: speed up or slow down by changing the ground incline, turn it into a steep slope for sliding, or leave it altogether and drop all the way down - bringing your enemies along."
(A more detailed announcement here)
(My last game: Out Of Memories)
The demo for the upcoming Windows action game Dash Hale has just landed on Itch.
Dash Hale is an combat-autorunner where the player has control over both the hero Matt and the world, which can be manipulated to affect enemies. The demo features 3 of the 10 levels in development for the full game, set to release in mid-2021.
Visit the game page in https://flatvoxel.itch.io/dash-hale, and feel free to try it and leave your comments. Hope you enjoy it!