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Rob Abrazado

A member registered Jun 04, 2015 · View creator page →

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I just learned about this (from Aaronacious!) and came here immediately. I am fully enthralled by these mechanics.

Looks like everything's square now. Thanks much!

Hi. Sorry to do this in comments, but I don't have your email address. I'm still waiting on a payment processing problem to get resolved. Itch said they copied you on the support request; did you get anything like that from them? This would have been from a few weeks ago.

Ditto! This looks great and I'd love to be able to buy a POD version.

Hell yeah!!!

LOL that was an amazing cat feature!

This rules!

This is great!

This isn't where I heard about the podcast, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying the show!

Very nice, thanks!

This is so cool!

This is looking very cool!

This is a really fun way to quickly generate a cool setting map, suitable for maybe an adventure, maybe a whole arc! Thanks for this. Great work!