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A member registered Jan 17, 2022

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So Im new to the game and got a few questions about the game mechanics.

First: I'd like to know what does each stat affect.  I know the basics, like STR affect physical damage, MAG affect magic damage VIT affect heal match, TEC affect shield match and apparently the turn order. But theres got to be more right? Freeze gems reduces the opponent TEC by a lot but it doesnt seem to affect their shield match and the turn order is already decided mid battle. Also there is a huge gap where TEC and VIT dont affect their respective matchs and without anymore info on what those stats do it feels a waste to use equipments with them.

Second: do Critical and Weakness stack? This is for a build Im planning on using, but it is also good to have this info out there for everyone.

And then finally I would like to ask and request about plans to add help windows to the game. Like a window pop up with information about a mechanic when you hover your mouse (or hold your finger in case of android) over it. Like what we have on the gems in battle but outside battle. It is kinda a hassle to brainstorm builds when you need to learn (or buy) a skill, equip it, go into a dungeon find a battle, charge your skill to use it just so you can actually know what the enchantment does and which base gem it goes into.

This game has some BRILLIANT writing, congratulations Raus!! 

At first I was hesitant to give it a try because of the characters sprites, the resemblance to real dogs made they uncanny and uncomfortable to look at. Despite this, after some more time looking for VNs I decided to give it a try, and I was blown right away. The introduction to this game is SO good, it will get you hooked and excited. 

The writing has so much charisma that I completely got over the characters sprites and started to actually like them. The way the pieces are laid through the story is perfect, each piece comes at their own time, naturally setting a comfortable pace in the writing and making the important bits pass unannounced, making big reveals more impactful, because the signals were there but you just didn't notice. It makes the game always entertaining to read, it makes you curious to understand some actions and statements, excited over interactions that are happening or may happen ahead, it makes you connect to the main characters sharing his feelings.

There so much more praise Id like to give and even more that this game deserves, but Im not that good with words yet, still I'd like to appreciate all the effort that went into this piece and thank Raus for giving us this fantastic novel.

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Make the level up stats increase screen not disappear until the player clicks anywhere. Leveling up is a really fun part of any rpg and it is supposed to feel rewarding for the player, but as of now we dont have time to look at the screen because it disappears way too fast.

The readability of the equipment durability is also a problem. We can't see the durability of the equipment very well, the number is really small and hard to see in the equipment screen, and outside that we can only see the durability when we are already in battle. 

There are also some balance and qol improvments I would like to see being made. Before the first battle we are not told to equip anything and it is not a rehearsed battle (like those tutorial first battles most rpg have) either, so the results end up being a lot of misses and 1/2 points of damage on the players side, making it an incredibly difficult and frustrating fight. I suggest making a "tutorial", to show the player where and how can they equip their items, and making this first fight a rehearsed one.

Durability is also a problem, specially for Toka, who is already relatively weaker than Natsume. Having nothing to make up for his lack of damage (specially early on), Toka ends up suffering even harder from a problem the game has, not being able to equip items mid battle. His skills consume a lot of durability, supposedly to make up for the amount of hits and damage it is supposed to dish out, but that ends up being a much harsher drawback than it is supposed to because he can't equip another bow once his' ends up inevitably breaking mid combat.

Now, there is a (probably) bug in the game, where if you save immediately after a battle where a character has leveled up, you can keep loading this save to reroll the characters' stats growth.

I have been loving the game so far, it is really well made, ui, backgrounds and music were all well made and used.

I would really like to see some refined english translation and other aspects of the game being improved in the future. Keep up the great work! 

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All right, it didn't work.

The game opens normally, the bgm and the initial warnings, alongside the game menu, runs perfectly, no lags or crashes, but once I press start, on the second line, "Do you know who I am?", the game crashes and returns me to my homescreen.

Im using a Samsung Galaxy A12, running on Android 12.

oof, life has been hectic.

I'll download and try playing the game again, if it doesn't work, I'll send another reply with all the info I can give

I haven't been able to play on android since the sprite rework, I hope you ca fix this

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Yee, none of the main choices interest me, Russell on the other hand... like, I have never fallen for a set of pixels as hard as I did for Russell when we were hanging out, it is just so fun to be around him, I love his personality, hes so cool... dammit, Im simping, anyway, I really cant wait for his route. I wonder how will it be applied, will it fit in the story or are Chris' and Russell's routes side/extra content?

Oh, I see, thank you for clarifying. 

Also... bittersweet endings 😖

I loved reading this, knowing the thought process behind the script is fascinating, and as an aspiring game designer it is also very useful.

Thank you 

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....This small adventure made me depressed. 

The fox's situation is so sad. Knowing that he's already spent 9 years alone on that island doing the same things every day and having no one to talk to is sad enough, but then he convinces himself (and me) that there might be something (someone) on the other island and decides to risk himself to get there, getting to the brink of death, only to realize that it was hopeless, that he knew there was no one there, and that is heartbreaking. 

Then we end up going back to point 0, where he goes back to his island to continue spending his days alone 😭🥺

The worst part of all this is that we see it in third person, only being able to watch him take risks alone from far away, without being able to do anything, not even be close to him, to give him (or our own mind) the comfort of knowing that he is not going through all of that alone. 

The ending left me empty and anguished (my heart is heavy), but it was beautiful in a poetic way. I loved this demo, it speaks volumes about the quality I can expect from the main project, and I can say for sure that I'm looking forward to playing The White Tigers.

PS: I hope our protagonist get to meet lots of people and make lots of friends and get lots of love and care... (copium cause I know thats not how VNs work) Cause he deserves it.

PPS: Also, I hope Im not making the writer uncomfortable by using "him" for the protagonist, Im just used to talking like this, and I am more comfortable than using they 

Nocturne (18+) community · Created a new topic Android Bug

the game crashes after the first sentence, right at the start.

Im having a problem on android. 

the game crashes after the first sentence right at the start.

Great comment, it convinced me to give the game a try

Bem, é hora de trabalhar no meu espanhol

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Criticism is welcome, but you dont need to be rude and ignorant to give your OPINION, just like its absolutely unnecessary to disregard something to praise something else.

Do not take your opinion on something as the absolute truth. Its fine if you do not like those VNs, but insulting them (and everyone involved) is pretty stupid and childish of you, specially when they are between the top furry VNs and are used as the high quality standard and influence so many others.

Being an ass while doing a "hot take" is not cOol, get off your high horse and grow up.

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Thank you for the update, loved this eight day. I really missed this game, I love this story so much!!

I got a few things to point out tho. [SPOILER]

Brym's day 2 shouldn't be available before day8, it kinda feels completely out of place.

The scene in the bathroom with the sudden exhaustion, the dirt, the steps and the whatever was in the mirror was really confusing, if that was the intention ok, but its just completely brushed off it seems, nothing about it comes up. It feels like it might be intended with all the more frequent  hallucinations happening,  but still, that whole sequence of events were really off.

Hm, so, how can I get the second explansion to Bareshade? The quest disappeared from my questlog once I finished the Watchtower, and there is no option to talk to Bernard about it. Is there any requirement for it or did my game bug?

i know how you must feel, you like the VN and want to read more of it, but be patient, quality takes time.

This aside, the story is really well written and delivered so far. I loved the part with the demon training, it was so well done, really sold how terrifying those things are and also made the pieces fall in place, explaining why the blackrunners doesn't talk about them to the people and the people don't want to know about them, this is amazing world building!

I really like the story so far, Im looking foward for more of this VN.

I'll just leave my prayer here.

For the love of all good VNs, PLEASE, do not rush the romance for the sake of the smut. The "romance" rn is in a good spot and developing well, but Byte has been pushing the subject so hard I feel like the nsfw is bound to happen in 2/3 days, and that scares me.

The game is not working on my phone anymore.

I played the game up until the goo monster encounter, and then stopped for a while waiting for updates, but now after downloading the game again, it force closes right at the start, when you are running in your dream

alright, came back because I got to say, that introduction was beautiful!

The sound effects, the bgm and the immaculate writing, amazing work! Almost cried right there

Yay android build, I can try it now, even tho I get scared pretty easily with horror stuff

Forgot to mention, it is really weird that it is happening every time now, because the first time I defeated him, it didnt happen, 

why do the sex scene happens when I defeat the Goat Huntsman by attacking him? Shouldn't that only happen if I get his lust to the max? If thats not the case at least give an option asking if the player wants to do it or not

I dont really want to go around fucking my opponents, :/  specially every single time I defeat them.

Also on mobile (at least in my phone model, a Samsung Galaxy A12), the date and hour gets cut off on the top of the screen

I wanted to know if the "shot" ending on ch4 is death or is actually one of the possible ending for that chapter and there will be a continuation on ch5.

I like Glawk but... that was too foward... and I didnt like it, but I also didnt want to hurt his feelings like that... I want Zawk back...

And I was hoping to get out of there or at least avoid getting... intimate with randos, its kind of a bummer that Vic and that canine dude had other plans, altho the canine didn't really do much and ended as soon as it started

Im still reading but gotta say, I didnt like and it felt out of character that whole exchange in the restaurant with Somchai and Dominic. With Wren's personality he would stand up for himself right there and not take any sides when both of them are obviously wrong... this is frustrating the story was going really well up until this point, but those two choices feels like they are there for pure convenience, it doesn't make sense that us players and Wren the character would pick a side there.

Anyway, aside from my frustration with that point in the story, up until now I have been really liking it.

I agree completely, the art is really captivating

Thank you for voicing my thoughts. I in love with this VN (my aching heart kinda wants to disagree tho)

thats good to hear

I didnt even read the VN yet, but I can tell this is a pretty good and well thought out constructive criticism. Some of the things said here I can even visualize with them being common in many new writers VNs.

So the author should really take this into consideration, Im sure it will make your VN a lot better. :)

I feel like that too, like... you dont need to describe it that well or even make a cg for that.... But I guess thats what please the majority of the people who play these nsfw games... 

It is working! Thank you

I really like the world building so far, and the storytelling is amazing, it feels so organic, real, specially at the retelling of what happened, I could easily picture each of the scenes in my head, like I was living through it. Amazing VN 

Same, I hope the dev manages to fix the problem soon, I really want to read this, people are talking really well about it and I want to experience it myself

Really good VN, all the characters feels so organic, and this (from what I have read) seems so difficult to achieve, very well done!! 

I really like all of the characters, my favs are Ryan, Blake and Dylan coming in third, the CG introducing the characters were amazing! Even the MC had one, and he is SO CUTE! 

Im loving the pacing of the story and the delivery of the mystery so far.

Anyway, I can't wait for an update. Im really curious to see what happens on Dylan's day 2, also... Its gonna be so hard to play other routes knowing I may be breaking Ryan's heart 😭

oh, I see. I love his current design and was afraid you were going to change it

Same, I went with perception and intellect as main stats

Same problem here, the download just stops midway for me, and even when I manage to download and install the apk (through incognito mode), it gives an error when I try to play it. "There was an error parsing the package" or something like this. I also play on Android 11, and it seems like its not uncommon for Renpy to have problems with newer android builds, but seeing there are many VNs that work with it, I hope the devs take a look at the problem and try to solve it. 

What do you mean by revitalizing Brymror sprites? 

I feel you.