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A member registered Mar 03, 2014 · View creator page →

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thanks for the comment VR.   I actually have a version that's much more difficult, but I won't cheat and update the game during the voting process.  Once it's done I'll update the game.  But the final version will be much more than this.

Thanks again!

really dig the presentation of this game as a whole.  I also love the new take on Frogger.  great job!

great looking game!  very nice art!

excellent read!

really liked this game.  pathfinding is a little wonky but no biggy.  I would love to see this game if you had months to work on it.  Reminds me of Gemini Rue.

great job!

love this.  What a great emotional experience.  I love how each environment blends so nicely together.  Great job!

great game! Took me a few tries, but when I got the hang of it, it was loads of fun.  My only suggestion would be to add an effect when you connect to a building because I often found myself floating just above the surface.

Great job!

thanks! yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'll definitely correct that.  But on the other hand, when I end up making a full version of this, there will be various weapon types and those will be the low damage but rapid fire ones.

btw, thank you for the great comments!!

yeah. sorry about the difficulty.  There is a bug where the trees don't hurt you, so the difficulty is nurfed.

Not much I can do about the graphics issue.  This is probably due to old graphics drivers or an unsupported video card.

great entry!