Pop i can t spell
Hey resident so there is thus person named dll2 and he is spamming the keyboard spam but the code is
hey mono can you help me makebmy self a game.
not trying to. be rude but when will i get my things back???
hi mono
hi mono can i have my mod back Cruz for some reason all my things are gone.
yes .
Ok i will stop
hey mono can you add. back the long arms.
can i have mod
Hey mono i found a new kid on project jumpers and can you give him mod
hey mono can you add back the long arms???
hey mono can you add back the long arms? For project jumpers
yo mono are you adding the long arms back in project jumpers today??
so like 12 pm today
Wait uh
How long does it take to be in the school update
yes but can you add the long arms back?
hey. mono by the way im the one you gave the mod stick too. but whennwill you add long arms back on project jumpers
and two im the one you gave mod too
yo mono when are you adding long arms back on project jumpers