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A member registered May 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi hi, I just watched! Thank you for playing! Cassie is definitely a more experimental game for me. It's mainly about interpretation, so how ever you feel it meant is right <3. I also agree that it's weird for young Cassandra to have so many suitors lolol don't worry. I wanted to detail a young woman set back in time who wanted to be free from her expectations. Some interpret the story as self love, though a more fantastical element to me is also fun. If you enjoy I hope you'll give my other games a shot! (This one is my shortest as it was made for O2A2 jam)

*farts* really sums up my experience 100000/10 swamps out of swamps 

I didn't leave a review! aghhhh! Annelise! 10000/10! 

I love the NVL style! You did a great job with this project and I love the narrative itself along with your own personal journey getting this project out and the changes that were made.

The CG's are so gorgeous, and the poetic story telling just sells it even more!

Annelise, Annelise, ANNELISE! Honestly (the prince too- but I am just like him, just floored by her heart and strength!)

I said everything in more that I could say in my playthrough, but goodness! For anyone other than Chim reading, play the game!

What an incredible entry! I am consistently blown away by your work Chatter! Even with 2 hours of playtime I played it in one sitting cause I couldn’t step away from the world, Ramil’s struggle, and his relationship with Tala- to name a few. I adore how much detail there is in your stories- it’s like you create a huge puzzle/sandbox for me to play in where I can piece things together and also just have fun! 

Play this game seriously! I am not asking 😤 


Ramil is hot af and he is an incredible character so far! I totally buy into everything about him like he has a reason for everything and where’s a cereal box toy around his neck, what more could you want?

I love his backstory, current struggles, motivations, and ESPECIALLY his interactions with Tala.

I also love Tala! She is a careful balance of “sexy born yesterday” trope without all the problematic shit! She’s mature, optimistic, and drop dead gorgeous! 

There’s honestly so much I could say, and have said. I just can’t understate how FULL your projects feel. Even when it’s a demo there is so much to latch onto- so many questions, so many mysteries, and fears left lolol 

You’ve tackled a Fairy Tale esque story with Actala and it’s definitely your strong suit! I love the breaks between the drab realness (which I adore it’s super down to Earth, pun intended!) and then as he dreams you get to go to this fantastical world! I love that they dream together and whether this is some magic shit (which it most certainly is lol) we are still left with the themes that come from Fairy tales and how Ramil keeps those stories close to his heart! Truly incredible! Cannot wait for more! However, this is super high quality in 3 months and you more than deserve to take it easy lolol but if you’re anything like me, you’ll be busy.

Great work man! Truly! 

I spoke at length about the story in my recording of it lol (half the runtime was just me yapping lololol) but for those wondering if they should play-in short, absolutely! especially if you’ve played its predecessor “Daughters of the Sun”

I personally feel more attached to this part of the Phaedra tale as it captures a more relatable protagonist. And though it was horrifically beautiful to witness Phaedra's thoughts in DOTS it didn’t speak to me as much as Son of the Woods. It may sound silly to say with the gorgeous art and writing, but the sound design on this really shines to me! It really sucks you in how the darkest of thoughts find us in the safest/most serene places. 

I am genuinely shocked that this project is shorter than DOTS- as I felt like they had the same runtime at the least! (Comparisons aside) 

As its own piece of work, this is a very RAW entry. It doesn’t shy away with all the emotions that come from being a victim to a horrible crime. And how Hippolytus is no weaker or lesser because of it! It really sparks an important conversation between the biases of female predators to male. 

I feel for Hippolytus and how he wants to “take responsibility” for his step mothers heinous actions/feelings- but the sad truth is we have no control on how others looks at us, and even how they treat us all the time. Even with all the power, influence, and strength we can all be victims. 

Some people may find that last sentence terrifying, and in a way it is, but for me a victim myself- I find it empowering- I’m not alone in this and even if I could slay a Minotaur it could still happen to me.

I know Hippolytus and others like him, with the correct support system can come to terms with what happened and not blame himself- as well as not let others blame him. 

As I said before, Chime thank you for tackling these heavy subjects with tact and thought! I can always tell you care what you are talking about and take a lot of responsibility with what you are saying! It’s one of the many things I admire about you and your body of work 💕

I was blown away by the presentation of the story! I loved all the little surprises and the amount of character to be found in the narration, characters (mainly Julian rn), and the setting! I love how much you think about your stories Butter; and how self indulgent you are! I can truly see your vision and buy into the world you’ve shared with us! 

I didn’t know what to expect really at all, and it was a pleasant surprise through and through! I am more than ready for the full demo/full release! 💖🙏

Kick those enemies asses! 😈 

Tyty happy new year to you! I’m excited to play one of your games on my break ✌️ 

ty Grey! I have to thank all those encouraging me (like yourself) that have gotten me this far! I drew from a strength I had, but it was those around me encouraging me that made all the difference.

I'm so glad to hear Alex! You've helped me so much, if I can help even a little I am so glad. I will continue to work hard! Thank you <3

I played the game and all its endings! They were quite fun to see the changing menu and all the camera work! I love Arcturus what a precious man! Araceli and I just starstruck hehe 🤩 it wasn’t as sad as I thought but instead I shed tears much easier cause it was beautiful and loving! 

I love this genre of game like Intertwine and Threads of Snow that touch on time travel and soulmates! It was fun seeing your take on this and the color scheme was so pretty and comforting!

And of course the subject matter of not needing to rush yourself into anything, specifically sex to show your partner you love them! I loved Arcturus’ line about he’d rather Araceli be comfortable! He was so relaxed and understanding and the blurry screen effect is just me 90% of the time with my loved ones when they say something sweet!

loved the background art and the changing menus and sparkly goodness throughout! 

Great game as always Chime! Going to be recommending it and of course it’s infinite/5 stars ⭐️! 

oh Butter I finally played it! Sorry it took me so long! What a gorgeous piece! I love all the analogies and the artistry throughout! The MC is so pretty I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I love that your work is just you all over it! It’s Butter core from the ceiling to the floor! This was so wonderfully tragic and poetic but also hopeful and calm. Just like the snow! Depending on who you are it’s peaceful or deathly silent. I love that you have the player so much to ponder and chew on! I am so excited to see more of what you do! Keep up the incredible work! 

This has become a major comfort game for me. Not to mention inspires me to do a similar thing in the future just because of how well executed it is here. 

You hit a bullseye with Boone! He is the center of this game for a reason. It’s super fun to play through a western and be a cowboy right alongside him! 

The nsfw scenes which I opted into were fantastic! I played as a male cowboy because what’s better than one cowboy? Two cowboys! And I never felt like it was a secondary option to playing a lady cowboy and the same can be said for the non-binary/gender neutral option.

I like how cohesive the whole experience is, it’s not too lengthy nor too short- plenty of replay ability (at least for me). You can choose to ride this horse how ever you see fit and that’s a testament to your writing and planning!

There is just so much love put in this game and it’s evident from the second you start! I am so glad I got to experience it early! 

I look forward to everything yet to come.

TLDR; Boone’s Balls make this game a certified 10/10 🤠

Game is a BANGER (pun intended ;) )

Warning spoilers, and sex jokes/puns below! The game is 10/10 play the downloaded version if you're comfortable with NSFW worth it! Also bring tissues- they are necessary throughout it all ;D

Spoilers under the cut

Loved the game since I read it originally! You captured such a strong emotional conflicttttt, this want that so many humans share- just the want to be wanted.

The voice acting added so much to this! Alex's lines hit so much more, and Adam felt even more nonchalant oh godddddd. (some of the Adam line deliveries were so Chrys, I see what you meant! Although, it was evident in the text by itself!)

The sex scene was really well done, I love the pop ups and the changes in the CG. Alex may be sad, and going through it- BUT HE LOOKS GOOD DOING IT (also he's got that schlang on him good lord o_o- not complaining lolol)

The monochromatic backgrounds is so cool and adds to this cold detached feeling!

The musiccccccc, music adds so much for me and you always pick the right one.

I knew what was to come at the end (pun not intended LOL) and it still hit me hard, I hope Alex gets a happy ending of some sort in Namida. (And Adam too...I guess lolol jkjk, I hope everyone finds something that works for them!)

I am so proud of you for doing something outside of your comfort zone and really delivering! This was super enjoyable, and I am not surprised it's getting attention lolol!

Great work as always friend <3

I KNEW IT- VILLIAN YOU ARE A VILLAIN I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS CHIME 🤣 also curse you for making such a good pun title name…I’m a sucker for it…

alright, lesson learned DONT simp for characters without playing the game first lmfaoooo- YOU GOT ME

Spoilers starting now

okay I hate him, I knew going in thanks to the warnings that this wasn’t going to be a simple cute little dinner between a ‘troubled’ couple.

The second he started acting out I was like, alright only one choice- we have to poison the chimichurri steak. Dude is THE WORST, he made Matthieu look sympathetic jfc.

but it was a good strategy to make him look appealing! Monsters are all among us, they look like beautiful people but can be wolfs and sheep’s clothing.

There was no other choice in my mind but to break the plate, honestly she’s better than me because I had Murder on my mind lolol. But this is better, he can live with the humiliation and never be seen as some victim.

Personal stuff for a second, my horrible father was also a domestic abuser so I think I react very strongly to this material in the first place. The ending lines are my favorite- that she always had the strength in her! She just suppressed it versus the usual- she was weak and just one day snapped. Thank you for portraying it this way! 

I liked this game a lot despite having a sinking feeling the whole time lol! I’m off to read the devlog parts I didn’t want to read due to spoilers 🏃‍♀️ great work as always Chime! 

P.S you must have been CACKLING at me over Twitter lmfaooooo a pretty face and my head is GONE 😫

Bro's got the most kissable lips ever!

Awwww the writing was so cute, witty, and wholesome!

I liked this entry a lot! The music, UI, background,. and sprite art are all so gorgeous! Hell, just this itch page alone is so pretty wow!

I enjoyed this a lot!

LOVED this entry. It's so real, I like that you were uncomfortably honest with the subject matter, it was told in a way that can only be told if you have first hand experience and most women do. 

This was equal parts uncomfortable and comfortable. Voice acting was so gooood gosh we do not deserve VA's mannnn.

Phoenix is legitimately gorgeous and she looks BANGER~! But I know she needs to believe it first, and that's the hardest part. No matter how beautiful we see her, unless she feels like she is, she'll never be happy.

Self love is something I also decided to tackle in my O2A2 project and games like this speak so many people because we all struggle with our self image in one way or another. It's sad, but if we are aware of the issue we can fix it.

I like that the endings all are so authentic!

I love how cleverly constructed this project was in the first place. The mechanics of clicking and further inspecting Phoenix in the mirror GOSH so real it hurts.

The quivering texts was such a great idea! Honestly just a brilliant project and equally brilliant execution! Amazing jobbbb!

Carrot can you be a little less talented please???? Jk I said in my rating that this game finally pushed me to play Our Wonderland, I've always wanted to but now it is not negotiable. I loveeddddd this so much GOSH.

The presentation is so you! (so Orlam) LMFAO I feel like I understand so much while also understanding so little??

Your art has always been gorgeous! Your characters so charming! This game had me SWEATING at one point, you are so good at making me feel so uneasy, and yet I still want to persist.

I cannot believe this entry is less than 1k words, how? It didn't feel like it had ANY limitations, you excelled! I can confidently say this is THE BEST O2A2 ENTRY I HAVE PLAYED. Period. And it's more than deserved.

You did some tricks I have never seen done in a VN before, with the dancing especially.

and if your art and presentation/coding weren't enough YOUR WRITING GOSHHHHH (save some talent for the rest of us please, I beggggg)

All jokes aside, your writing is so strong! I love that Genzo always has a very specific voice, in everything I see from him it's such strong characterization that i feel like I already know him and Iggy, and Orlam with minimal exposure and that is an understated talent and FEAT.

I cannot wait to play and praise you even more via word of mouth. You deserve all the attention you're getting and more, so crazy to be in the same space as someone so talented.

So many great things about this project! Great presentation lovely art all around from the sprites, to the CG's, to the GUI, the music is fitting. The voice acting swoon worthy! (especially for Artie and Kasanov!)

The writing is great, I feel very close to the characters already and am very curious to see how this plays out. But most importantly want to protect my boy Kas at all costs. I am so in love with him! I played through the game, tried to record me getting the CG's but (I am very bad at technology apparently...)

This game makes me laugh, swoon, and feel for the cast! I am so excited to see where it goes.

The quality was IN FACT TOP TIER! Justine literally couldn't have been a better choice they delivered each and every line brilliantly! But, it's a symbiotic relationship, the script is wonderfully nihilistic-ly beautiful. A tormented woman's final thoughts, presented in such a soliloquy way was just so much fun!

The presentation can not be understated here, honestly, I feel like the piece shone so much brighter due to the limitations, (and not just because you wrote about the "Daughters of the Sun" hehe) which is the beauty of this jam!

I will probably reread a couple times because I'm not familiar with the original work and I am trying to make sense of it all, but even without the full scope I entirely bought into the emotion and betrayal Phaedra felt from Aphrodite, for herself and her sisters.

This is so fantastic! It's crazy you did this in such a short amount of time, you had a vision and you DELIVERED. Huge pat on the back to you and Justine friend <3

this was such a wholesome af post mortem, you said you didn’t really understand what it meant! But I think you really do! I love the take away of just making memories over metrics (though ofc it’s great to have both!) this game deserves all the love it’s received and MORE, I am so glad I reached out to you to provide a little help and support! It was an incredible otome jam, and I will look back on this period fondly 🥹 to us 🥂 ✨ 

(1 edit)

This game is a true 5/5 experience. I had a BLAST while playing! Chatter is a masterful story teller! The game succeeds in everything it tries to do and more! 

Making me: swoon, scream, cry, etc... I love where it's going and Liam and I are getting married- no debate, no question. Also Shizu is one of the best protagonists to a visual novel period, especially for an otome game.

Everything I could say here I have said, and more in my playthrough, so if you want to hear them, just watch the my chaotic playthrough of it here:

Actala Act 1 Playthrough -this is the youtube playlist link.

Excuse the unprofessional-ism, they are recorded mainly for Chatter to enjoy, but can be enjoyed by others as long as they realize I'm a bit insane lmfaooo.

Again amazing work Chatter! You've made a permanent fan of me!


(Don't read this review Play the game play the game play the game, it will be ruined if you read this before playing and you don't want it ruined for you! Go shooo!)

Apologies the video went to shit, I wish I could have given you that because I was honestly very proud of myself for getting every ending while reading without stuttering and telling jokes lolol I also guessed some shit! I swear!

Alright pacing and writing is so so good, I didn't know what to expect since you told me to play this game before Actala, and I was astonished at the quality, some lines were just-mmmmm so so good! I was like "Chatter is eating with these lines GOD."

The art was brilliant and spooky, and hot and...cute? Yeah I said it, CUTE I was skeptical of Raku ofc because like, well look at him,


I adored her before, during, and after everything is said and done so much more, watching this game unravel was fucking wild, but what made it so much better was that when everything was unraveled (hehe see what I did there) everything made more sense!

Also I like Raku and Nelli together, sue me, like it's really fucked up (the most fucked up honestly) was how he blackmailed her to stay with him in the kiss ending. But like, Idk confident/angry murderer Nelli and spider-man Raku are just a match made in heaven honestly.

I want to know what made you come up with this stuff? Like, I have so many questions and things to say, and I already said them and I hope I can remember some of what I said so I can say it again.

Bro, Shay and Zoe went so hard and only helped this already awesome product reach a higher level!

I'm so satisfied with every ending to an extent and though I am super squeamish with horror stuff, this wasn't so much scary as it was a bit unsettling and suspenseful which I lovedddd!

I kept saying you're doing a bad job at making me dislike these characters, because the more of themselves I got to know the more I liked them.

I just- man so much to say! I wish I could truly express how much I enjoyed it, I did in the video (like it got close) but, as a writer words fail me- but they sure as hell didn't fail you.

INCREDIBLE job, pat yourself on the back for this, please for me if nothing else. This was a fantastic project and blast to experience.

-Joy (going through the stages of grief still)

Finally! I've been meaning to play since it came out, but I got to it! I really love Azram, when I'm flirting with him or just talking to him (mainly hitting on him cause, how could I not?)

This is so well put together, the animations are so nice, and the atmosphere so cozy and nice, it must have felt good to put this together as it is to play!

I played and got all the bonus arts eeeeeeeeh!

The MC has so much personality like damn, can I date the MC too? lolol, this was just what I needed after a long day of work.

Thanks for this! <3

awww that’s sweet of you! You made them very easy to enjoy 💕 and if you do decide to play the game just take your time with it, as it’s quite lengthy 😅 

Oooh a sequel would be so much fun! And oooh you’ve got darker stories under your belt? I’ll probably be a mess, but I will tune in none the less. 

(Anyone reading who hasn't played, go play it's literally magnificent!)

Man this game was fantastic! For something so simple and funny, it was also one of the most seamlessly romantic and genuine stories I've experienced! It felt like it all came together perfectly and there's nothing I would change about it. Everyone is lovely and nuanced, the story pokes at the JRPG stuff but also takes it super seriously?

Honestly I felt a lot of jealousy while playing but also just love the hell out of it, I want to work like Edmund to be as good as story telling as you are! Like he wanted to be as good a hero/knight like Aelfric was. The story was so mature and charming.

So charming, everyone swept me off my feet. It was everything as advertised in more, this game deserves all the good reviews it gets and more! It's truly understated.

You can consider me a fan if there is more like this to come!

Great work here, also it's a great BL kinetic visual novel, all things I love myself and have written. It's nice to know I'm not the only one <3 I aspire to make such a lovely cast of characters that will have readers/players thinking about for years to come! Congrats on a wonderfully polished and charming game!

I can't sing it's praises anymore!

This. is incredible omggg

Kawaii-chan is all I am. 5/5 stars.

(Play and rate the game! It'll only be about 10-15 minutes of your time, and this is worth 10x's that!)


Gosh, I really love how simple and well executed this little game is! I love the speech bubbles and def think you should bring them back at some point!

The message of this VN was clear to me, but I have a suspicion that won't be true for most people. Just because it's such a common issue in modern relationships. Man oh man.

Anthony is a capital 'C' Cutie! Love that he's part of the "Namida" story line and I can see both him and Katekyo again! Eeeeeh!

Your themes always resonate with me, Idk if it's because you and I are were separated at birth, have a lot of similar experience as both writers/queer people or you write them all so well. (It's probably all 3)

I love stories about exes in a more positive light, and you were able to accomplish both the positive and the negative here in a satisfying way!

This is like an appetizer so good you don't even need an entree' I swear you've been able to make me feel so good in under 10 mins when it takes most triple A VN devs like actual weeks to make me feel as attached to their characters as I do to yours. No lie!

Your stories are just equally creative and beautiful as they are raw and human.

I detail a lot more of my one to one silly thoughts in the video I sent you <3 thank you for this, I've had so much fun going through your catalogue!

(If you are okay with all the content warnings present and are 18+ please give this game a shot, you won't be disappointment, I swear! It's 5/5 stars for a reason.)

I've loved this project since I read it initially, I always recommend it as what Fifty Shades of Grey should have been! The setting is far more interesting, the BDSM/Daddy-dom culture is handled with actual care, and the characters are incredibly interesting in every way!

Not to mention some cute romance from such a stoic guy in Alvarez!

Watching this come together is just exactly how I imagined and yet so much better as well?

The art is fire! It's hot, and beautiful! The music selections were great for this project. And Alvarez' voice actor had me swooningggg, so deep and rugged. What a time to be alive, truly.

The story is really paced so well, and showcases your strengths in bringing together two strong characters in a super interesting and satisfying way!

I'm so glad to have been able to enjoy the story before now, and I hope it captures your player's hearts the way it captured mine.

Alvarez captured my heart and is keeping it tied down somewhere, but that's exactly where I want it to be.

PLAY THIS GAME, PLAY THIS GAME! It's the best 10 minutes I've had! Do yourself a favor today and play and don't forget to rate!


This is such a smart story omggggg, like you had me questioning how I view romance? Like??? There's got to be kiss scenes right? Not for everyone, and they are no less in love! I'm so glad I played both this and Katekyo's first date close to one another, I feel enlightened? (do a degree) like, I am so inspired to write my asexual characters and ace romance. You were able to say so much in so little time is a testament to your strength as a writer and I was already a fan of you, because we are friends and you're funny and your art is so cute and unique, but like- you are a SO TALENTED, never forget how you make people feel with your stories, I think every indie dev can take a page out of your book! Incredible, I love this game so much, the presentation is spot. on!

Max blew me away man! It's like unfair af, he is just too good! He was the perfect prince goddddddd. The art is so pretty, Snow is so cute, and it's just so magical! I adore this game, how many more times can i say it? Well watch my playthrough of it to see ;)

Dammit, Chim beat me to reviewing it! (lmaooo it's no problem love you!) Plus I played it first hahaha 

I loved this story from the second I heard of it, to reading it, to now playing it! Danielle has great character, and yet feels good as a sit in for the player. Morgan is incredibly endearing, and I love my boys- Luca especially, he deserves the world!

The music is well placed, the UI is very sexy red, and the writing is top tier!

I buy into the emotion presented, and love how diverse your cast is! Even if I wasn't entirely wanting to make love to every guy, I definitely wanted to get to know them!

Antonio is sexy in a frustrating way, cause I want to punch him, but he and Danielle have so much tension!

Alessio is a pain in my ass, but it's mainly because I am #1 Luca lover.

Angelo is my babe, and I want to know him, I want to peel back all his layers I know you have for him.

Leo is my second fav for a reason, he's such a loveable dork and so sexy too- the perfect combo.

Ren really won me over making it to my 3rd spot for the guys, I love that scene with him and the Danielle in regards to the journal! Goes to show how one scene can make you feel meh towards someone to totally getting them and loving them!

Luca is best boy, no notes, how can you improve perfection?

The relationship Danielle has with her grandfather is top notched, and so nuanced and real! But no less loving.

The humor is well placed, and there is so much heart in this project. I am it's biggest fan and will follow it no matter where it may go <3 Being even a small part of this project makes me so incredibly happy!

Play this game then read this review! 

(Spoilers below) 👇 

I recorded myself playing it initially and will send that to you! I fucking adored this game so much! It was so smart how you tackled this topic that means so much to you in a brilliant way! It’s like the epitome of asexual based story telling and if anyone ever as ever confused about it, I’d simply have to link them to your game!

I see now why Katekyo is on it your favorite characters! Cause now he’s one of mine 🥹 

Lara *shakes fist* LARA!!! So cute but so evil man- like she feels so real, but like- ughhhh

Musicccc greatly picked as always! I adore their character designs so much, some of my favorites from you with Amanda, Peter, and Chloe’

GUI so so niceeeee 💜

But the writing the writing AHHHHHHHH one of my favorites! Like genuinely, the realism, the comedy, and the analogies and internal dialogue just. So. Much. Yes. 

I said so much of what I wanted to say in the video but please please please, anyone reading this okay the game! And rate it 😉.

I FORGOT- my favorite line was the: "What's your favorite color Peter?" and him just yelling "GINGER!-uhhh I mean Orange lmfaooo" so so goood and cuteeee, cryinggg rn

First go play this game if you haven't already! Then you can read this review, the game is 5/5 stars! Go play it nowwwwwwww

(Spoilers below)

First off, jumpscare Kawaii-chann! But it was pleasant and a fun use of her character!

I have already played the good end at the time of writing this, I will eventually play the bad end, and cry most likely- when I do that, I'll reach out to you directly and give you my thoughts (and tears).

I love how cohesive this story is, everything is! I love how earthy all the characters and how down to earth all the characters are (except Max ofc)

Amanda is such a sweetheart, I like being inside of her head and navigating the feelings associated with reuniting with a childhood friend. (it's only cliche cause it works) 

Peter really is up there in your catalogue of characters, it's easy to see why you love him so much! Like Amanda, I fell in love right alongside her. He feels so real, and super likeable in a way that makes total sense without him being a Mary ?Stew?Stu? (whatever)

I will say I predicted a lot of things, but that's probably just writer brain. I don't think it's bad, I think you just foreshadowed and set all the details up well.

I love how devilish Amanda can be sometimes, I hope more of that side comes out when she gets older and grows more confident in herself.

I loved the natural progression of their relationship and Peter getting her corndogs! They are just so precious, I hope they are always happy! Ignoring the bad end.

The art is gorgeous, every single bit of it, I loveeeee the music, you always pick the perfect pieces, and music is severely underrated in indie visual novels.

My favorite detail was tying this into the High School Lolita Universe (or just the contemporary universe you have lolol) I don't want to live in the Highschool Lolita Universe even though we technically do.... ANYWAY with Social worker Chloe' was super happy to read it, as if I couldn't love Peter more! I will def be replaying again! I wish I could leave another rating on it, (but that's cheating lol)

I'm still making my way through all your games, and I'm so happy to have played this game on release day! Wooo! Godspeed for your future projects, I know they'll be amazing!

I really liked this game! Go play it before reading this review as it contains...


Okay, so I am so glad to have played this game as well! I love that  the story is equal parts: hurt and comfort.

Jasper was tough to get to love immediately, mainly because of my father issues. So when I found out he also had deep seeded issues in relation to his tragic father figure it was a lot easier to have sympathy. He was so honest in his thoughts, I was worried he would keep it hidden from Megan forever but didn't of course.

Megan was a delight, a perfect angel you want to protect from the world.

I love the building of the scenes, Megan's little quirk of her saying the most disturbing stuff with a happy go lucky tone. The scene with the gyno where Megan tells Jasper to name the child if it's a boy was so well done. Especially for what it sets up!

Jasper asking the gyno to name the kid was pretty funny ngl you balance humor, and serious material so well.

The scene at the park as well as the comforting each other scene was my favorite. When Jasper comes in running and telling Megan the name he chose (I chose Benjamin btw)

It was such a sweet moment aghgfgjlkdjdl coupled with Megan knowing that Jasper would come around, because that was the man she married. So lovely! These two I am entirely sold on! (also they watch tiktoks together like my fiance and I- a match made in heaven hehe)

His turnaround was wonderful, but I of course knew what was to come and was heartbroken right alongside them.

Though it was necessary and painful, and Jasper saying it was because Benjamin could sense he wasn't going to be loved enough, it's such a leap but it's exactly how our emotions work in such horrible situations.

The end scene being a reflection of the opening scene was wonderful! I'm sure they had their little Minnie and she was loved, just as much as the one they lost.

Thank you for writing this with such tact and heart! I'm a huge fan, and shed a nice tear at the very end <3

Oh god.... I am a mess (if someone wants to read the reviews before playing, please play if you can handle the content mentioned, if not feel free to keep reading.)

So I am a wreck, in a good way of course, content like this is never supposed to be taken lightly. I think what makes this game extra upsetting is how beautifully it's presented. Seeing out of a young girl in love eyes.

I hate Matthieu, not that it's a hot take or anything. But I hate how real he felt. Hate how handsome he is, how charming and intelligent he seems. How he starts off so caring, and is so aware of his failings, and how even so he keeps going. It's the worst kind of evil, to know you're doing wrong and never stopping.

I hate how he felt the need to be the victim, and be so dramatic, and to make himself some sort of martyr, this tragic figure. How pretentious he was with art, how much of a hypocrite he was. I hate how truly human he was.

I hate how I still cared and cried even after he died.

So the scene where he kills himself, I identified with Chloe so much, how she was so mad at him, how she couldn't even feel sad- because it would have been so easy to walk away. And yet he just had to try, he just had to keep pushing.

Like Chloe, I also had a 26 year old man talk to me when I was working as 17 year old turning 18 soon, graduating high school, and how he said 'we could be something, if I was just 18." even if he never did what Matthieu did, was it any better? Were his thoughts any cleaner, and in that same vein- were his hands  have any less blood.

I don't think so, I don't know the thoughts in that man's head. He knew it was wrong, and he kept going despite it. And to add to it, he made me care about him, he made me feel like I needed to grow up. To throw away something as precious as childhood innocence in favor of his favor.

I will say, I only was able to make the reluctant choices, I couldn't bring myself to play the role of love stricken teenager, because I'm not anymore I am a weak sensitive adult, and I couldn't meet the game halfway, it just hits a bit too close. So I apologize if I missed anything significant, but I'm just not strong enough. I will not push.

I'm so glad that Chloe ends up helping other victims. The last two scenes of the game were incredible, and the build up to it was like watching a plane crash, you knew what was to come but you couldn't look away.

I adore so many lines, namely that villains weren't these monsters hiding themselves away, they were real people capable of kindness and complex thoughts. But that's what makes them so much scarier.

I want to say Chloe was mature, but that never made her an adult, she understood so much despite not understanding anything. She knew deep down that it was wrong, that this man she loved was something broken and she loved him despite it. She is worthy of love, she deserved to bloom. Getting a glance of her at the very end confirms this. She's so much more beautiful as a result of her struggle. She's so inspiring and my heart is happy for her, happy that it wasn't worse, not to invalidate her struggle but just, I'm glad...

This story opens up the door for so much discussion, so much I'm sure I will talk to you about. This is like the classic literature they made so much reference to.

It's going to be stuck in my head for awhile. I just want to say you are so brave for writing this, for getting in the head of such a monster, even for a bit. There's so much beauty and charm despite it.

The music was killing me, you chose it well. Both the soft plucky piano tracks, and the more hellish decompressed sounds. I love the UI changes to something horrific during the closeness between Matthieu and Chloe. I admire Lucie and Bastien for being little spots of light in Chloe's life, and for being there for her even when she was so resistant.

This game horrified me and delighted me. I know how beautiful I once felt those moments were as a teenager, and how tainted and gross they look now. I have no doubt that Chloe' feels similarly. I hope to also help someone in someway.

This game scares me because stories like this are happening now, and I hope with all my heart that if a young someone stumbles upon this game, and they are going through something similar, that they realize what's going on and seek help.

I thank you Chime for writing this, I am a mess, but I am glad I engaged with it. I'm glad I jumped in the deep end so to speak, and I am so glad I didn't record mysself playing it (thank you Chatter) (Though I will for the other games dw) I'm glad you are so talented a writer, and intelligent and delicate with such a taboo topic. I'm glad you handled it with care, and delivered it with grace.

If you ever have doubts in regards to your writing, you've done good work! You've written a story worth telling, and I will forever sing it's praises.

-Joy (though not so joyful atm lmaoooo)

The fact that this is selling me on Fire Emblem is sending me, good shit! Also very tender and hot, my two favorite things.