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A member registered Jan 27, 2017

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Server is down about 24 hours. Is some info about that?

After redownloading new game build 824 ... problem gone. I have load at Khan level. All works fine.

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Same problem. Ubuntu 14.04 and my last level was desert!

In another pc i load in Khan without any problem. (Ubuntu 14.04)

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Maybe its problem for elementary OS loki distro with pantheon GUI. In Ubuntu version 14.04, 16.04 with same PC all works done. Will migrate to ubuntu.

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Sure. I turn around up,left,down,right at the same place near person who told me "who are you" and cant move ((((. Around me alot of lava ... yellow texture. Yesterday i stop play in level "deserts" in another computer. Then i load game in new machine (pc with another hardware) and have that problem. Maybe is some problem with client DB? My position changed from "desert" to "Khan" after install and playing from another PC.

P.S. Name of "Who are you" guy is kepha.

See logs and try to fix that please. My game login is flowless.

Linux elementary 64 bit OS (Loki, Ubuntu 16.04 based). Nvidia proprietary driver.

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Hi! I loadidg at Khan level .... and cant move. Some guy told "who are you?" ... and that all. Any ideas?