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A member registered Mar 22, 2019

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Legendary work chief! :)

Sorry to hear about your cat, may it rest in peace. And wow dude, your drive for this game is unbelievable! GREAT work and amazing patch! :)

Whoa! Very nice! :) Can't wait to check it out, looks good dev!

Hey. Was intrigued by your ERTH project but that seems to be abandoned, and you posted this as your follow-up to that one. This seems abandoned now too though eh? Ah well. I can't get enough of that open-world style ERTH has with all those simulation type elements and RPG elements, awesome stuff, too bad you didn't continue on with it. Know any other RPG type games similar to it? Thanks.

Hello. Can you please make the game installable while using the itch desktop app? Would help some people I'm sure. Thanks!

Hey. Cool game! Could you make the game installable with the desktop app though? Would be easier to launch and such for me. Thanks!

Hey there! Just a quick question. Your game seems amazing, and I love that it has a lot of depth etc.. Just curious if you have a timetable for when it will be done? I'd like to record some videos of the finished or 1.0 version on my YT channel if possible. Thanks, and keep going, this is gonna be good! :)

Hey Kezarus! All that stuff sounds *great*, really like the direction this project is heading and will definitely be checking it out much more when it's more final. Awesome stuff, really excited by it bro, so cheers! I'll be making some videos eventually too, like I did for the first one, but hopefully I won't get sidetracked as quickly and be able to crank out a dozen LP videos or more, we'lll see tho! Good luck! :)

Sure did work! Thanks a lot. :) 

That said, I took a tiny peek (will look more later) and so far it seems you're definitely on the right path! :) Quick thing though. I was hoping there would be more than 7 Races, and I think in your game especially, the more 'stuff' there is, i.e. Races, Classes, Perks, Dungeons, etc etc., the better because it keeps things interesting for longer imo. But I like that there *are* 7 Races there to begin with, so great work so far! That said I'll try and cover this game more as time goes on and it gets more 'complete'. Cheers bud, had fun with Endless RPG 1 btw! :)

Hi. Please make the available for the desktop app to download, makes it much easier to keep up with updates & stuff like that. Would really appreciate it along with others I'm sure who use the desktop itch app. Thanks!

Yep, works good now, thanks! :)

Hi. It still doesn't work. Weird because many games work fine with the desktop app, just not this one. I prefer the app because it keeps things updated automatically and such. Can you keep trying or look up how to do it please? lol. It would be helpful for not only me but others who use the app I'm sure. Cheers!

Can you please make the game files downloadable with the desktop app? Press kit and youtube thumbnails are the only files I can download after buying it awhile back. Thanks.

Game is *super good* Lord. Congrats on making a banger! 

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Ooh, nice, thanks!! :) P.S. Your new game looks *crazy* man. How are you that nice at RPG coding sun?!? :D Excited for it! Can't wait to check this one out too, also looks nuts haha.

works great now, thanks! Going to make some videos for this on my channel if you don't mind. Interesting stuff here! 

Hey! I found you by checking out your new game, Descended, but I was wondering if maybe we could get a download back on this just to mess around with? Since combat and loot is working etc., could be fun to just play a bit of. Knowing it won't be released or worked on further is fine. Just wondering, thanks!

this game is gonna be SICK dang!! :)

Cool game! Hope it has more RPG type features added, great work bud! :)

hey... cool game! That said, can you maybe make the updates work with the desktop app? It's a little tricky to update your game because pressing Install on the app only installs the demo even if we've paid for the game. Is there some way maybe to fix that? Thanks!

the itch desktop app has update alerts. Makes it very easy to stay updated on all your games. Not saying anything past that it's your choice but there's a lot of cool games on itch that made downloading the desktop app for me well worth it. And then some

Hi, can you post about how to make this work? This is the English patch for the game, correct? Thanks!

Hi! I purchased the game but can't figure out how to play in English. Any help here please? Thanks!

Legacy community · Created a new topic Game Length

Hi! I just wanted to comment and suggest game length should maybe be customizable, or at least much longer than 4 hours. Imo of course, but this style of game really lends one to immerse themselves in and really 'feel' things, and I feel that is a bit short of a game length. Also purchasing your game now, looks great, ciao! :)

Would love to check this out in English! :)

Hello! This looks neat, but are you still working on it at all? Looks too cool to abandon! Haha. Hope you are well!

Hello! This looks great, is it still currently being worked on?? Hope you are well! <3

Hi! Game seems cool but I hit a bad bug. Can't get past the tomatoes quest at the Inn, when I enter the room where the person is sleeping and the chest of tomatoes is, the game freezes there and doesn't continue. Can this be fixed?? Thanks!

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Cool game! Quick question, how does Hailstorm for the Mage work? I use it in battle and then I see '-1' appear about 7 times and that's it. I thought it was 7% damage per second or something until the end of battle? Anyway, enjoying this, thanks for the effort! :)

P.S. Does Intelligence do anything after all? 

Hey, thanks for making this and sharing it with us! Cool game, but I ran into a *brick wall* after the first boss! Enemies got *way* too tough to deal with. What am I doing wrong? Did I not grind enough on the previous levels to gain that next level I needed? o_O

Hi. Looks cool, can we get an English version maybe? :)

Hey, looks great! Is this still alive though? Any word? Thanks!

Hi! Looking forward to the full release, it's 2024 now! :) Any word on that??

Hello! Just checking in. Any progress on this one? It looks well made I just want to make sure before buying that it's a full game. Hope you're well! :)

Seems great! But... how do you use a weapon?? I picked up the dagger but don't know how to wield it, and i assume spacebar swings it, but how do I get it into my hands after equipping it in the Equipment menu?? o_O

Sounds great! Guess this one won't get updated much then, so I guess I'll wait for the next one and maybe poke at this one sometime just to check it out. If you do a bit more to complete one of these styles of game, you could have a nice little indie hit on your hands someday! So great work and good luck, see ya around. :)

Thanks for the info! Would you say it's playable from start to "some sort of end" (being that it's a Skyrim-like!) ?? If so I may cover this on my YT channel if u don't mind. Seems like a cool project bud, great work! :)