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A member registered Apr 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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oh yes pwease 0w0

Can I see the deer also maybe do a cat

Can somebody give me an animal to create

amazingly adorable

sorry your right

Does anybody else like depressing songs for some reason

Do not blame me

My friend asks what's your fav color I say purple she says pink I want to slap her I hate pink.      

 # Tomboy for life      

Normal people: sleep don't want to wake up

Me: stays up whole night closes eyes goes into deep sleep wakes up and feels paralyzed.

 come on you could make some friends and umm you know yah I feel you there's really nothing but you have me I can be a somewhat friend

yasss queen this picture represents me

Why what has my life become

um i'm no kid i'm11

all my characters are deleted


I walk up to her slowly and then say hi i'm *put's name* do you wanna be friends if she says yes I would get to exited and run of the sky island if she said no I would either keep on asking until she says yes or jump of from being rejected.

Probably be one of those creepy people in gacha life that torture people in there basement.

excuse my language        cringy meme coming up warning

I would slap the black out of that D#$*m  MOTHER F#$*er

How do you guys think of my furry so far i'm not done yet i'll tell you her story and stuff

I do

I red it


sorry if this irritates yo but you meant back

Requests for what

I like it maybe i'm not saying you have to but maybe you could change the ends of her hair to match her eyes

Ahem i'm sorry but I don't watch anime

She's great

Maybe umm scary

I love him

thank you so much


I know I have a short attention span and if you think that's a lot of talking pfft just never mention one of my favorite series.

nice indeed

(1 edit)

 1. I can't answer that cause it maybe true 

         2.We have breaks and right now i'm on break

Are you talking to me or someone else

Just the head. Art and color

You are good at this game

oh I just posted it she has a unicorn horn that's yellow

but do you think you could draw this OC

umm I suck at shading and color blending