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Flurki Games

A member registered Feb 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Right now only via Steam, sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your interest in the game.

Sorry, at the moment the game is not sold on this platform due to payment issues.

Thanks a lot, I'll try to continue development in the future, let's see :)

Development on this game has been finished, in the next game maybe, though I'm not actively developing right now.

Nothing sorry, just sorting some things out.

Well feedback is always welcome, so feel free to share here or via message on twitter (probably the better way) :)

Hey, glad you enjoyed! I planned for a sequel, yes, however right now development is paused (for any game). However, I might work on it in the future :)

There is an old, very early version that I uploaded on Newgrounds during development that could act as a demo. It does not reflect the final state in any form however. Currently I have no plans to create an exlusive demo for the final version.

Game is released on Steam as well.

Not originally, but once I realized it I just kept it like that ^^

Thanks, actually I'm on it right now, so it might not be too far away.

This discussion is going nowhere (and it's also the wrong place). You're looking for something this game just isn't meant to be, like buying a bike and complaining that it's not a car. You're interpreting way too much into a simple porn game. This game is not meant to feature a romantic setting or an extremely sophisticated story, it never was. If anything, one could argue that it should be better reflected and explained in the game description, but that's pretty much it. If you're looking for romantic stories, I suggest you look elsewhere.

And on a side note: saying that creators of stories, movies and games are automatically into everything that's happening in them is a very bold claim. In many roleplaying games you can choose to be the bad guy. That does in no way tell anything about the thoughts and feelings of the creators. Or what about murder stories? You really think the authors fantasize about murdering people?

Sure, I chose to explore the non-romantic topic in this fantasy game. I wanted to see how it works out (especially with sort of a small redemption arc), and I already had a target audience I could work with. That does in no way mean that I support such behavior in real-life.

To conclude, I appreciate your feedback and may incorporate more (good) choices in future games, though I can't promise anything - It's mainly a matter of development time and effort. Contrary to your beliefs, I don't develop games for mere fun. They are meant to generate some money in the end.

That's all I have to say about this topic. Since this is also the wrong place to lead such a discussion, this will be my final reply. Take care.

Thanks for the detailed reply. First of all, let me make something clear: The way the characters behave and are treated in the game do not reflect my own opinions. It's just a fantasy game with a certain story and characters, and those two things should not be mistaken to be the same.

And secondly, like I've said, the game is not meant to be romantic, at all. Of course it could have been made and designed to be a romantic experience, sure, absolutely. However then other people would complain that this is not what they were looking for in that game.

To put it in other words: Thank you for your feedback, and I will think about incorporating a more romantic choice in future games. For this one however, you're just not the target audience I'm afraid.

(1 edit)

Sorry to hear that you didn't like the game. A lot of people actually did. The game is not meant to be romantic. Judging from your words, it looks like this genre is just not for you?

I'm thinking about it, yes. Will take a little bit of time to release it there, though :)

Hey, I've added a discord link under Links. Concerning the error you get - sorry to hear that, however it will be difficult to analyze since you're the first one reporting such an error. I will need a lot more information (e.g. exact error message, log files, ...) to even have a chance here.

Not sure yet, but might be a possibility for one ending :o

That's weird, do other Unity games show this error, too?

And yes, you can post some ideas on the Discord :)

Turning around will be possible, yes. And spanking is very likely to be added :).