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A member registered Nov 10, 2016 · View creator page →

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Sorry, I missed this reply as I was dealing with family stuff. Just want you to know I am thankful for the response, it really brightened my day. Thank you!

Fun! This is great and I loved the music. I would never miss my daughter's rock concert!

What! This is amazing! I was not expecting to find a rhythm game, they seem so hard to do. I know someone who is going to love this.

Thank you and I know exactly what you are describing. I have many unfinished projects, but completing something this simple and figuring out how to share it through a web browser has been far more valuable than any tutorial. I'm definitely hooked on game jams now!

Thank you for checking the game out! I learned a lot from the jam and hope to create larger experiences with each entry.  I enjoyed your game and I'm impressed with how much you accomplished.  It inspired me to learn how to add dialog and to make better game web pages.

This is a charming little game. I love how much you are able to represent in monochrome. I love the dialog system and need to learn that! Also, great job matching the game web page to the submission. 

Thank you for checking the game out!  I used this tutorial for the lighting effect. It was far easier than expected.
2D Lighting and Day&Night cycle in under 5 minutes! Godot 3.2 Tutorial

haha thanks for finding the bug! And thanks for trying the game. I had fun with your submission! Great presentation and polish!

This was fun! I love the visual and audio design, the presentation is well done and the gameplay felt polished. Amazing work!

Thank you! I'll be checking out submissions today and look forward to seeing yours. It's inspiring to see so many new game designers taking the challenge. It was totally worth finishing something, even as incomplete as it is.

Thank you Pete! I'll be checking out submissions today. Having a deadline definitely forced me to approach the project differently. I'm amused at how big my initial design was in comparison to what I was able to complete. I definitely plan to do more jams. I really enjoyed challenging myself.

Thank you so much! I really need to learn how to transition levels and how to make state machines. Godot is a great engine to work with. I'll be checking out everyone's submissions today.

Thank you!

(3 edits)

Hello everyone, I've had fun dabbling with game engines and doing tutorials for fun since I was a child. I've always wanted to participate in a game jam and one focused on learning Godot seems like the perfect weekend project for me. I tried Godot years ago and it just clicked with me. I love Python, so GDScript feels nice and Blender already has me crazy for nodes. I've never completed a game, so that is my goal, no matter how simple - to just finish something.

I'm creating a simple rougelike adventure game I call Dream-eScape. The goal is to find our way out of an endless dream. As for theme, with the autumn season and Halloween just around the corner I'm feeling compelled to dive into something on the darker side,  so I plan on adding some Lovecraftian elements.  I am using an edited version of the CanariPack 8BIT TopDown art pack for this jam, which I hope to have time to customize further.  I look forward to seeing what you all create. Have fun everyone and thanks for creating this chill game jam Terry!

I've used these tutorials to help me get started today:


Make your first 2D grid-based game from scratch in Godot

2D Lighting and Day&Night cycle in under 5 minutes! Godot 3.2 Tutorial

edit: fixed links