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fnaf fan0

A member registered Mar 28, 2024

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What box?

Is been almost 2 months.. Did you forget about the game again? 

Hey is being 8 day ago... Are you still going to post the last comments to me? ( the game jam ending already... So I was wondering if you still there or not?  ) 

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Oh you see... This game is a demo ( not a full game or beta game ) so there only one night... There 2 reason why I only 1 nights ( 1 save data... I don't want to add a save data...since that will took me a lot of time... And also to me.... Is kinda complicated... So only 1 night ) and the 2 reason why because... Time almost run out of game jam self... And the night was good enough to be in the game.... ( To be honest I glad focus on more at Make game good can be... And not just rush out with 7 night with 100 bugs ) so if you made in 6 am in night 1... Then... Yeah.. You beat the demo game ( Congratulations if you did it... And if you can share the game or Rated my game..... I really appreciate!!!! ) 

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Hey Korgen... I just want to say is... Thanks you for Reply back to me.... And Trust me... You won't regret it... Since this game is more better than ever!!! ( is not perfect game but I think you  still gonna to in enjoy  the game more than rest my game jam.... i can't wait to see you there!!! ) 

Are you sure is not because your pc problem? ( Because 90% people can play the game self without problems? )

Thanks for giving me a feedback ( if you can.... please share this game to other people... I really appreciate it ) 

Hey  Korgen!!!!.. Please Play my game call five night at bob ( demo ) I think you gonna like it since this game ( my opinion) is a lot better than funtime-party-crown-circus and StarCube as well!!!

"Here’s the story, if anyone is curious about it."

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  As you sit on the couch and turn on the TV, you hear on the news about a new pizzeria called Bob's Pizzeria. You become so interested in the place that you decide to apply for a job there... and the job is being a night guard. Mr. Krabs doesn’t care enough to bother, so without hesitation, he just hires you.

But as you enter the office, you start to realize that something is strange about the animatronics... They don’t act like they used to

 .When they see you, they think about killing you. They always sing and play games with people, but instead of doing the same to you, they just try to end you without hesitation. And Mr. Krabs doesn’t care about you or the animatronics (it almost feels like he’s behind all this). Now you have no choice but to survive until 6 a.m., or else... things won’t look pretty anymore."

"If that interests you and you want to give it a try, here’s the game you can try!!!"

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This is my first FNAF fan game, and it took me more time and effort than I thought it would be ( especially since I did most of it by myself ) Please show some love for this game, and I would really appreciate any feedback you can send me so I can improve it even more. Keep in mind that this is a demo and my first FNAF fan game, so it might not be perfect. However, I still hope you’ll give it some love because I’ve put a lot of time and effort into it. ( and  In my opinion ) this is the best game jam entry I’ve made compared to others, and I really love how it turned out. I hope you like it too!"..."Please play this game is pretty good!!!!" 

Well I died 

First thing i want to say is... Thanks for give my game a shot... Even if you didn't rate... I still appreciate it you give my game a shot... And second thing is... This is just simple demo... So I probably update this game after the game jam close down... But for know I hope you enjoy my second game jam.... And thanks you for playing my game :)

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Thanks!!! This Mr Microphone did took little while to finish it.. however I think is worth it in the end since the animation turn out good in the end... And don't worry about Mr Ball since He doesn't always shoot Mr Microphone lmao :)

does have a virus?

Your welcome Helo Dude.... And try my game call Funtime Party crown circus.... Maybe you like it as well.... and i hope you like my game as well  ;}

Thanks Korgen for giving me a feedback.... That will probably help me to improve my game... And I probably update this game after the game jam close down... I hope I see you there as well... And I glad you enjoy my game.... And your  game is good as well :}

i really like you game idea..They fits together... and even the game play work....good job man :}

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No you can still move just press right or left to move.... Or just wait until the first cutscene over... And you can move without problems 

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if nobody can't reach far away over here... don't worry i'm here to help you...all you need to do is hold ctrl and press space to jump high..... And the cutscene might be little bit broken.... But luckily the gameplay still work :).... And if there other problems you find that I haven't noticed... Please let me know!!!... Because I might help you out :) 

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Is a game where you get stuck in this circus place and you have to escape this place while ignoring some dangerous stuff around the place.... I hope you like my game even if is not perfect :) 

Funtime Party crown circus
One day you was having fun and do same thing  like always walk around the place... until you saw sigh say something like if you win in this circus you will get 100$ dollars... so you get even more excited and  you  ready to come in this place and get some money without problems... However that turn out big mistakes

Funtime Party crown circus

As you get in the circus the door lock behind you.... And when  that happens... You meet you friends Microphone... And who be help you out sometime.... There is other time where he be rude to the ball... But for the almost part he should help you out.... But even if he kinda... You goal is still to try to escape this place 
Funtime Party crown circus
As you continue... You realize there more trap than you thought .... But you still continue ignoring them the best you can... But this place is more horrible than look

You can play my game over here
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"Thanks! I put a lot of time and effort into my game. I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if it wasn't perfect. I actually have a reason why I didn't add a checkpoint in the first place. you see This game was supposed to be a rage game, but looking back, I kind of wish I had added some checkpoints to make it feel more fair, especially in the tutorial. Maybe if I had made the camera zoom out a little bit, it would have been even better. But I'm still happy with how the game turned out. Maybe one day I'll make an updated version. I hope to see you soon! (Oh yeah, by the way you game is pretty good. I like it how you game try to be they own things and also this is not FNWF.This is a fnaf note that I add in the my game along with some other stuff that I add in the my game like Pepsi, and if you pick the yellow block, touch the button, and press 'Up,' the block should turn on. After it's turned on, you can continue moving to the right.) (Press 'S' to pick the yellow block.)"

"and thanks for playing my game"

"Thanks! I put a lot of time and effort into my game. By the way, your game is pretty good too. Good job, and I hope to see you again soon!"

"Oh yeah, by the way, you can't jump the wall if you're slow. You need to be fast and jump at the wall too (press 'Shift' to run)."

no. no. no. you doing right , you just can't jump the wall between the walls at the end if you're slow. You need to be fast and jump at the wall too (press 'Shift' to run)."

"Thanks! I put a lot of time and effort into the artwork. Also, can you explain to me what you mean when you say you can't do the wall jump?"