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Fnife Games

A member registered Feb 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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ayo!! small kiwi town solidarity!! thanks sm for the lovely comment, sorry to hear u got confused lol!!! theres some quality of life stuff we'll put in the full version thatll hopefully help w/ that (in the meantime u can check out a no commentary playthru on YouToob 4 guidance if needed) 🙏🐸

yooo, thanks sm for playing!!! 

thanks for the feedback on the graveyard scene!! i'll be making this part clearer in the final release 4 sure, haha.

if it is bugged -- i think you could try going into the crypt in the bottom right of the map again (check 58:25 in the vid) and just check if you can reset the trigger for the gorse bushes / lighter quest that comes after.

hope that helps!! thx again <3

omg! thanks so much for reaching out, the Queer Them All initiative sounds fantastic and translation is defs something i'd be interested in for this project. will get in touch with you to learn more!!!

lol. yea i shoulda put a jump scare warning for the free feet pic

lmaooooo yess! u have a way with words 🔥

yo, thanks sm for that!!! & heck yea -- graduates from the myspace school of life gotta sick 2gether. 🔥🔥

thank uu sm!!! working hard on getting it all wrapped up so we can beat the cliffhanger allegations ❤️❤️❤️

yea ❤️

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hiiiii! sorry to hear u got stuck -- with the gorse bushes u need 2 get a lighter from the NPC who is smoking ((near the graveyard carpark.))

if ya peep this video at around 59:45 you can see the steps to do this (and u can check back if u've missed a step):

hope that helps!! thanks for reaching out <3

yo. thanks for taking the time to play, & leaving this lovely comment 😭 the details u pointed out are some of my favourites. the silence at grandma's grave, hints of deeper problems + exploring and finding memes... all silly (maybe) but important bits i really wanted folks to enjoy.

reading ur thoughts on the project is a bit like looking at it with fresh eyes. its very motivating and cathartic. so thank u for sharing. hopefully u are able to check out the full release when its ready. much love ty ❤️🐸

thx for playing!!! and yea i feel u. im sure they'll get there eventualllly......... 👀💋😘

ayo. glad u've enjoyed the project!! ❤️ thanks sm fer the lovely comment!!!! update is definitely "IN PROGRESS" (maybe dont check every day tho lmaooo) 🙏🐸

🙏 lol! ((honestly tht would b an even more accurate title / description 4 this))

wooooooo!! TY. cant wait to share it when itz readyyy ❤️❤️



ayo! great question! plan is to have the full release on both Steam and Itch, ideally both as an .EXE file and a GameBoy rom. may potensh look at putting it up on some other storefronts (+ a limited physical release & Nintendo Switch release if poss)

Kia ora! ayoooo, thanks sm for stopping by, really appreciate all of the love & enthusiasm from the Pavs peeps (lmao the SWEEP). Can't wait to complete the release, happy to flick u an advance copy closer to the date if u wanted to give any feedback!! <3

Ahh tysm, really appreciate that!!! yea definitely wanted to evoke some ancient MySpace evils for those who were around 2 experience it <3

aww yeeaah! thanks sm for ur support!! tamagotchi maaay not make it in to the release build (rip) bt its on the cards 4 sure. post-release will be looking in2 translation, soooo may reach out then depending on how things are goin!! ❤️❤️

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hiii, no worries its a little unclear, haha. u need to interact w/ the chest of drawers in Ken's room (positioned in the top left corner). select "Get dressed" after u get prompted.

will make it more clear next update <3

*very* tempting 2 turn it into a horror, hahaaa. maybe for a sequel / prequel. would be cool 2 explore darker themes! ❤️ thnks for playing!!

haha, no worries!! tbf no major updates **yet** but... its on the way for april ((fingers crossed etc)) ✿◠_◠✿

thats super kind, thank u sm!!! glad 2 have some Ken fans around 💪🐸

<3<3 cheers for that!!! honestly super excited (+ a lil nervous) to get it all done, haha. will be a good milestone tho

❤️ thank uuuu! && yesss i also crAvE 8bit queer content. there shall be more! ❤️

appreciate ur comment sm! yea rlly wanted 2 set it somewhere 'real' instead of a made up place like USA. a bold choice 2 b sure ❤️

ur totally right abt weighing up the ~gameplay vs narrative~ and kind of opting to not pad things out. the idea was to make a short, story-focused game (so this demo is actually abt 1/2 of the total content, haha). thanks again for taking the time 2 share ur kind thoughts (ᵔᵕᵔ)

thanks sm! slowly gtting the full version done ❤️

❤️ heck yea!! just need some void eggs & maple bars in the mix 💪🐸

hehehe. ok i guess i can make some more!!

(thank uuu 💪🐸❤️)

haha -- itch was keeping the notifications secret from me too (or I forgot)!!

wicked u found ur gameboy!!! hope u are enjoying the pokemon brainrot, i'm actually playing a Silver Nuzlocke at the moment... im up to Whitney w/ her Miltank soooo (prayers needed). the lemon demon playlist will surely guide u 2 greatness.

ill keep the spaghetti threat in mind as im working (its definitely a motivator) ❤️❤️❤️❤️

eek! thank u for coming out of lurker mode 2 leave such a lovely comment! im so glad u did ❤️

with the memes -- definitely looking fer ways 2 give the player more info abt what u've collected + options 2 look bk over it!!! (mbbe pseudo "achievements" 2 track?? 👀)

I cant wait either,, working on this part time makes it a slow (steady) process, ahaaa

thanks so muchh!!! feel like theres some universal truth 2 being stuck pining/wingmanning (or both), pleased 2 hear it resonated! AHA, ohhhhh the ~phone game~ is brutal. therell likely be even more levels for it (optional) in the full version, so u'll need the practice, hehe. ❤️❤️❤️

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heyoo! im stoked that u been enjoying the game & all its silly lil details 🐛❤️. Glad 2 hear u are keeping the emo dream alive!! all the best for the music ur writing, i hope it turns out awesome!!! \(ᵔᵕᵔ)/

❤️!!! thank u sm for the lovely feedback -- nostalgic & comfy r 100% some of the main pillars i wanted 2 pull from, really happy 2 hear that comes thru!!!! appreciate u checking it owtttt (✿◠‿◠)

me neither honestly ❤️❤️❤️

aeeeee, yup its set in small town New Zealand (our team live here)!! it defs colours the manner in which some things play out w/ the story, but its a sort of easter egg too, lol! thks sm for playing <3<3

🔥🔥🔥 ahhhHHHHhHHH. phew. holy heck.ur beautiful comment killd + ressurected me. thanks sm 4 ur spicy kind words and spaghetti threats l0l. promise the full version is coming along (slow bt steady). appreci8 ur compliments on the sprites + setting, i was actually partially inspired by pokemon romhacks i played as a kid,, so love that it makes u want 2 go play those in gremlin mode ((do a nuzlocke i dare u)) 💪🐸❤️ thank uu

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Hiiii, okay so once u have "made" the first key in the graveyard (you've found 3 pieces from the big angel statues) it will unlock the left-most crypt of the pair of crypts near the *top right* of the graveyard map. Hope that helps. Will aim 2 make this section a bit clearer in an update probably!! Thx 4 playing ❤️❤️

eee, thanks sm, im excited too!!! (✿◠‿◠) 🐛🐛