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forest gaurdian

A member registered Sep 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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I hope this means that the next update is going to be really good!

nice game. needed more levels though!

I love this little game!

Extro-4 got me stuck for so long!

that's crazy.

That's really impressive! Well done!

I doubt anyone can get a score lower than this.

A way to quit to menu and accesses settings in game should be added

thank you!

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possibly different biomes that you could choose in the shop. different biomes would have different enemies with varying stats and different backgrounds.

I think more elites should be added for a larger variety.  Some way of mildly increasing damage for 
weapons because of the way enemies health scales.
more barrels, maybe a lighting pole set of legs for the turret.( it would drop lighting poles that would zap enemies that walk through it)
A little pop up that shows up  when you get a new personnel best.
An upgrade that could increase move speed
Any kind of weapon that has a hilarious amount of knock back and damages enemies when they hit either a wall or each other.

I'm so glad that I get to meet my new friend in 45 years! :)

very impressive. Well done!

thank you

Does the ender pearl ability still teleport away the shopkeeper?

This game was awesoem!

I love the new update, but I feel that with the new change that healing from the shop increase the price, their should be a new way to heal, maybe the health bonuses from defeating a boss also heals 2/3 hearts.

I think that a photo mode could also be quite nice because, again, the visuals are beautiful.

lovely game with gorgeous visuals! Although I found that some of the items need a description because I couldn't find any information on it. I also think that having the levels being procedurally  generated could be a fun idea.

10/10 game

Weapon idea. Add a bolt of lighting that arcs between enemies.

huh, I must not have been paying enough attention. thanks for telling me this!

A suggestion for the shop mechanic is, I don't know if it is a bug (probably not though) It is when you buy a perk it comes with a perk point, I think this makes buying them a useless feature (which I dislike). If that could be changed next update as a balancing feature, I would be very appreciative!

I find that you can have some control over the auto aim with the cursor.

Same, It can be really annoying in a game where you have a good build but then you get stopped by an ending. Maybe a solution to this is to give the player the ending screen, but then also give them an option to keep going?

huh, I could just be doing it wrong, but I seem to find that I take damage when I do it.

You could add an ending? It would cap players but might not be in the way you want.

so glad that this bug was finally fixed!


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We had to sit down and think about how to solve it for several minutes! really enjoyed it though!

I reckon that 0.0.9 is going to be crazy!

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can't wait for the next update! (I'm just impatient and excited)

Lovely short game. 10/10.

I didn't know you could buy more hearts than you have! thanks for sharing!

can you just buy more health at the shop?! Or is this a bug?

very impressive!

nice and short game! I feel it could be expanded upon though, as I beat it in 10 minutes, and a bit more backstory would also be good!

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sorry for making it such an eyesore, it was a 3 minute google slide collage. This was my build. Forgot to show that my turret was using the snow slow. Another bug I found was that when you have triple blasters and use an item that only has 2 ammo left, It briefly goes to -1 then to zero, then reloads. The problem is that it still fires three bullets.

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I noticed an item despawn right before the next wave, I don't think it's that, but it's a possibility.

very sad, my game had the long wait bug here, is their a fix to this?