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forget the orange

A member registered May 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Okay nvm . I got it lol

if i lose the rock-paper-scissors am i stuck? i dont understand the guide, the east room is locked

i mean i dont think you look as creepy to him as you think

wheres this dress up game from?? wh

honestly, I'm really surprised. How many years have you been drawing?

lovely drawing~

i really like how pointy the style is

most styles I've seen are either a medium or mostly made up of circles.. yours seems pretty unique. I'm not sure exactly how to describe it but... it kinda looks 3D but not in the traditional way. It looks like one of those 3D models that are trying to be close to 2D, I feel like thats mostly seen on the top of her head. Do you have a Deviantart?

click the message and click the last icon


lol, i understand! She was supposed to be unsettling and I wanted to try something new with her having no eyes

Here are my two monster girls~

Yeah I decided to go edgy this time.

Honestly I think her nose makes her cuter

i did also try to make madotsuki but i couldnt find anything good enough

the braids dont really look good on this app

eggy :eye:

she does have some pastel colors like the yellow but she's mostly neon and not pastel

a bit too many colors for my liking, try to minimize them its hard to differentiate some parts because of how many colors there are

Monoko & Monoe from Yume Nikki

a bit flat but i cant do much about it

I guess some failed experiment??

I don't think clothes would work on her since she is an experiment anyways so she was created in a lab or somethin, so yeah they probably dont give their creatures fashionable clothes to wear

she looks very interesting?

makes me want to know more

love her colors, very simple but effective, exactly my type of stuff
tho the background is too similar to her skin and doesnt really help her pop out

love the consistent blue through the whole design

tho the gray-ish blues on her knows and under her neck look weird?especially the one under her neck next to that almost neon color

the nose's color is just out of place, seems a bit random

Lovely alien girl that somehow got herself stuck on earth so she is always injuring herself because she doesnt know how anything works :))

i kinda wanna make that shirt different colors than her cause i want her to have gotten that on earth but im too scared to break the beautiful color combination :')